twenty eight.

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I quickly threw on a shirt and shorts and sprinted down the stairs and out the door. Kai was on the ground, just inches away from the tree's roots. I couldn't tell if he was conscious.

"K-Kai?" I turned him over and saw that he had bruises all over his arms and forehead. "Oh no..." I helped him up and walked him into the living room. I laid him down on the couch and put a pillow under his head.


"Shh! Don't talk until I clean your cuts." I sprinted to the kitchen and frantically filled a mixing bowl with warm water. I grabbed a clean towel and rushed back to Kai.

"I have so many questions," I said as I cleaned Kai's forehead bruise with the dampened towel. The cuts weren't deep, but the blood wouldn't stop running. "Hold on."

I rummaged through the kitchen cabinets until I found my first aid kit. I took a few band-aids, alcohol wipes, and antibacterial ointment and ran back to the living room.

"Sorry if this hurts," I said as I pressed an alcohol wipe to Kai's bruise.

"Ow!" Kai hissed. He tried to stop me from pressing the wipe on his forehead again by grabbing my hand and keeping it away from his face.

"Kai! I need to clean your wound so that you don't get an infection!" I exclaimed, trying to release my hand from his grip. But he was stronger. "You know what, you helpless piece of—"

To make Kai stop, I brought my lips to his forehead, just shy of his bruise. I felt him tense up, but he released my hand as he was momentarily distracted.

I immediately pressed the wipe to his forehead again.

"Y/N!" he hissed again, but this time he didn't try to restrict me.

"There," I said, removing the wipe. "Your bruise is all clean now." I rubbed the antibacterial ointment on his bruise, then covered it with a large band-aid.

"Why did you do that?" Kai asked softly as I moved onto the bruises on his left arm.

"Do what?" I pressed another wipe on the cuts there. I felt Kai wince, but he didn't complain.

"Why did you ki— Ow! Watch it!" Kai hollered as I rubbed the wipe on the deeper cuts.


"I know you did that on purpose to avoid my question."

"I don't know what you're talking about."


"Left arm please," I said bluntly. Kai rolled his eyes at me as he put his arm out. The cuts weren't as deep, so he didn't wince as much when I started cleaning them with another alcohol wipe. When I had finished band-aiding all his bruises, I got up and threw all the empty wrappers and dirty alcohol wipes away.

"Water or grape juice?" I asked Kai.

"Grape juice, please."

I poured a glass and brought it to him. "Drink up."

"Thanks." Kai brought the glass to his lips and took a large sip.

"So... Care to explain why you were on that tree branch?" I asked as soon as he had finished the grape juice.

Kai gave me a sheepish look. "I-I... I was trying to steal s-some eggs from the bird's nest on that branch..."

"Oh, come on." I glared at him. "You're so bad at lying."

Kai sighed in defeat. "Fine. I was looking for you."

"So you climbed a tree?"

"Well, you weren't answering your doorbell!"

"I was showering!"

"Oh. Right."

I was so close to slapping him, but he looked too adorable. I almost let myself smile. "Anyway, why were you looking for me?"

"B-Because... I want to tell you something... Need to tell you something..."

"You can tell me now."

Kai paused. "I'll tell you... If you do one thing."

I sighed. "What is it?"

"Can you pour me some more grape juice please?"

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