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"I'm glad you had fun," Kai said after we left the cafe. "Even if you left with a half-painted picture."

I looked at the artwork I produced. I'd given up halfway since I knew there was no saving it once I spilled black paint across the canvas.

"At least I learned something," I said.

"And what's that?"

"That I'm incredibly clumsy." I waited for Kai to say something, but he just laughed.

"Y/N, if you're waiting for me to disagree, we're gonna be standing here for a long time," he said.

I playfully punched him on the shoulder. "Shut up, we're equally clumsy!"

"Hmm... I don't know about that," Kai started. "I think I'm definitely worse."


We decided to drive back to his dorm since I wanted to say hi to his friends. On the way there, Kai blasted his travel playlist on Spotify.

"Van Halen?!" I said as soon as Jump started playing. "I didn't know you were a fan!"

"My dad is a die-hard, and I guess I got into it during my childhood."

"Literally, same!"

Eventually, we decided to fully blast Van Halen songs. Kai and I knew almost every single one, so naturally we sang along at the top of our lungs.

"Panama! Panama-ah!" We were both on the verge of losing our voices. But we didn't care, nor did we stop until we got to the boys' dorm.

"I'm home!" Kai called once we entered his place.

"Kai?" Beomgyu called back. He walked out and froze when he saw me beside Kai. "Oh, Y/N..." He engulfed me in a tight embrace, patting my head.

"Hey, Gyu."

"How are you feeling?" Beomgyu asked me with a concerned look on his face.

"I'm..." Don't cry. Don't you dare cry. "I think you know."

Beomgyu nodded. "Well I'm glad you thought to pay us a visit. I know how busy you've been these past few days."

"I missed you guys," I admitted. "I missed the chaos."

Kai and Beomgyu laughed softly.

"We missed you too," said a voice behind Beomgyu. It belonged to Yeonjun.

"Hi, Jun!" I said, hugging him. "Where's Soobin?"

"Soobin? I think he's baking something," Yeonjun answered. "It's how he distracts himself."

"I guess that's what we've all been doing, huh," I said. "Distracting ourselves..." The three boys nodded and a sad silence filled the room.

Finally, Soobin joined us. He was holding a tray of what smelled like brownies. "Y/N? What are you doing here?"

"Why else, Soobin..." I began. "...than to devour your baked goods!"

The tall boy laughed. "I'm glad you're here right when I've baked something. You're the only one I don't have to force to try my goodies."

The other three boys burst out laughing.

"I'm sorry Soobin, but you have to stop forcing us to eat your food!" Kai complained.

"You should be thankful that I bake!" Soobin argued. "Besides, everything I make is delicious, right Y/N?"

"I haven't had a bad treat from you yet," I agreed.

"Well..." Kai started as a mischievous smirk formed on his face. "If you think your baking is amazing, then you should try Y/N's. She once made the most mouthwatering banana walnut muffins I've ever had!"

I threw my hands up in the air. "Hey! Don't bring me into this!"

"Are you challenging me, Hueningie?" Soobin said.

Kai shrugged. "Possibly!" Soobin glared at him in response. Then Kai burst into his signature dolphin laughter.

Beomgyu saw this as a chance to tease Soobin further. "Why don't we have a baking competition now that Y/N's here?"

"I'm rooting for Y/N," Kai said next to me.

"Well I'm rooting for Soobin," Yeonjun said. Before Kai and Beomgyu could tease him, he added, "Only because I feel bad."

Kai and Beomgyu exchanged smirks. "Yeah, right!" they said together.

This. This is what I missed. Already my anxiety and sadness had been replaced by a feeling of warmth and happiness. Even if it was temporary. 

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