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Kai dropped me off at my place later that night. It was already 9 p.m.

"Hey, thanks for everything," I said as he walked me to my door. "I don't know what I would do if you weren't my friend."

Kai smiled. "Like I said, anything for you, Y/N." It looked like he wanted to say something else, but he didn't. Instead, he hugged me.

I tiptoed to meet his embrace, placing my head on his shoulder. "I appreciate you, Kai."

In response, I felt him nestle his head in the crook of my neck. Shivers ran through my body at the feeling of his lips just barely touching my skin. I released the embrace before I could feel anything more.

"See you soon?" Kai asked.

I nodded. "See you soon." As Kai waved and started walking back to his car, I fumbled with the keys to my door.

"Wait!" Kai called before he entered his car. He came running back to me.

"What is it, Kai?"

"I just wanted to say, I..." Kai paused, biting his lip. "I was so glad to see you today. Th-that's all."

"I'm glad I saw you too."

"No, wait... I..." Kai took a deep breath in. "I should've said this earlier, but I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"Keeping my distance from you when you started dating Taehyun. It was wrong of me..."

"Kai, it's okay. I get it—"

"I don't think you do."


Kai bit his lip again. "I-it's nothing. But I am sorry. I hope you know that."

I placed a hand on his shoulder. "I do."

Kai sighed. "Sorry, I'll go now—"

"Kai, don't do that." I stopped him before he could turn around.

"Do what?"

"Apologize when you're not at fault."

"Okay. I promise I won't."

I watched as the blond-haired boy entered his car and drove off. When he turned the corner, I felt a wave of sadness overcome me.

I was alone again. 

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