twenty seven.

308 13 10

(kai's POV)

I tried calling her, but she wouldn't pick up. I don't blame her. I'd screwed up.

There was no denying the sad look on her face when I lied to her at the stream. I should've taken that as a sign that maybe she had wanted to hear something else.

Instead, I turned her away when I had the chance to tell her how I truly felt.

What a fucking idiot.

I figured she wasn't going to return my calls or the twenty-or-so text messages I'd left her today, so I decided that the next best thing would be to pay her a visit.

But first, I would stop by the florist.

I remember when Taehyun had asked me what I thought Y/N's favorite kind of flower was. I'd told him she'd once revealed that it was lilies. What I purposely hadn't told him was the specific kind.

Peruvian lilies. Green ones, to be exact.

They were smaller than typical lilies, but more vibrant and elegant. They matched her personality perfectly.

Luckily, the florist had a whole assortment of them at the very back of his shop. I was tempted to throw together a bouquet with all the different colors that were available, but I decided to keep it simple by buying just a few green flowers.

"That'll be 20,000 won," the florist said as he tied the flowers together with a white ribbon.

As I handed him my card he asked, "Who's this for?"

I looked at him and smiled. "For someone I care about a lot."


"Okay Kai, you absolutely cannot mess up this time," I told myself as my hand hovered over Y/N's doorbell. I rang it twice and waited. When there was no response, I rang it one more time.

Still nothing.

At that moment, a wild thought entered my mind.

What if I climbed up to her window?

Y/N's room was on the second floor, and there was a tree whose branches were conveniently close to her window.

A boy's gotta do what a boy's gotta do.

I tucked the flowers in the back pocket of my jeans and hoisted myself up the side of the tree. I was already panting, and I wasn't even two feet off the ground yet. I placed my right foot on a protruding knob and propelled myself higher, using what little upper body strength I could muster.

I wish I worked out more.

I continued to slowly climb up the tree. As someone who had never done this before, I must say I was doing a decent job. I wasn't halfway there yet and I was already sweating like crazy, but at least I'd made progress.

After five minutes of grunting and pulling myself up, I'd made it to the branch that was closest to Y/N's window. I took a deep breath before straddling the branch and slowly inching my way toward the window.

"I swear, if I fall..." The branch got thinner the more I inched toward the window, but it was somehow still supporting me. I tore a small twig off and threw it against Y/N's window. I couldn't see her room clearly, but I could make out her bed, her desk, some shelves, and...

Oh. My. G—

"Kai?! What in the world are you—" Y/N quickly covered herself with her blanket. "What the fu—"

She had been in nothing but her underwear.

And I was staring.

Out of shock!

But still staring.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to—" But before I could finish my sentence or comprehend what happened next, I found myself falling to the ground. 

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