twenty four.

317 12 0

(kai's POV)

I left the dorm right after Yeonjun talked to me. I needed time to think about what he'd said.

I was at the place I'd always go to when I needed to be alone. The Cheonggyecheon stream. A few people passed me where I was sitting, but there were less people than usual this morning.

I replayed what Yeonjun had said. "Because maybe, she might change her mind."

It was tempting to believe that she would. But I saw how she cried at the hospital. How every time Taehyun was brought up, her face dimmed.

She was still so in love with him.

And even if she wasn't, it would be unfair to Taehyun to tell her how I felt. As each day passed, the urge to confess to her became stronger. But I didn't want to put my best friend in any more pain.

Why? Why did it have to be her?

I'd thought that distancing myself from her would help me to move on. The first few weeks after Taehyun and Y/N started dating, I tried to remove myself from her life so that it would hurt less for me. But it only brought more pain and more sleepless nights. The less time I spent with her, the more I'd think about her.

She consumed my thoughts.

And I could do nothing but watch her be happy with Taehyun.

"Don't ignore or deny your feelings for her. They're valid."

So then why did it feel so wrong? To be so deeply in love with Y/N? I hadn't even done anything but care for her and help her heal. But why did I feel so guilty?

Just then, I heard someone say my name. The voice belonged to the person I least expected to be here.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?"

She walked to me slowly. "Kai? Can we... Can we talk?"

"About what?"

"About... What you said this morning."

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