forty nine.

259 11 21

(kai's POV)

It was raining heavily the next morning. I even got an alert on my phone saying that it was likely my area would be flooded within the next few hours. And on top of that, I'd come down with a mild fever.

"Hey Gyu, do we still have the pain relievers you bought last month?" I asked when I got to the living room.

"Hmm, let me check." Beomgyu dropped his game console and looked through the cupboard in the kitchen. He clicked his tongue when he couldn't find the pain relievers. "We ran out, sorry Kai."

"It's okay." I threw on Soobin's jacket which was draped over the arm of the couch and headed out into the rain to my car.

Not five minutes later, I was at the local pharmacy. I found the pain medication almost immediately and went to the counter to check it out. Above the cashier's head was a small TV that was playing the morning news.

"We expect there to be a lot of delays everywhere," the reporter said. "Please allow extra time for public transportation and if possible, stay off the roads. Several outbound flights may also be cancelled."

My heart dropped as I realized what today was. It was the day Y/N was supposed to fly back home. Was she still here? What if her flight got cancelled?

I had to get to her before it was too late.

"Please keep the change," I told the cashier as I rushed back to my car.

If she was still here, then I had a chance to stop her from leaving. Maybe the rain storms came today of all days for a reason.

I didn't care if drivers were advised to stay off the roads. I didn't care if there was thunder or even lightning. How many other chances would I have to stop her and make her stay? This was my only one.

Before leaving, I left Yeonjun a text to let him know that I would be heading to the airport. I didn't wait for him to respond; if he were to tell me not to go, I wouldn't listen anyway.

As I drove, I could think about nothing else but her.

I missed her.

And she was worth everything.

The rain only got worse. I could feel my car skid slightly as I turned corners or switched lanes. I had a blurry vision of the road ahead of me, but luckily I'd driven on this highway so many times that I knew the exits by heart. Exit 14a for the airport. And then I'd be there in five minutes.

I drove despite my apprehension.

But as I reached exit 14a, I relaxed. I would be seeing her soon, if she hadn't already left.

That was what kept me going.

The thought of seeing her again.

The thought of having her back in my arms.

I wanted nothing more than to apologize to her, even if I knew what she'd say. "Don't apologize when you're not at fault."

I wanted nothing more than to tell her it would all be okay, and that maybe, we had found each other at the right time.

Just a few more minutes.

I needed to switch onto the right lane, but the severe downpour obscured my vision. So I took a chance and turned my steering wheel, hoping there were no cars moving fast behind me.

For a split second, I was relieved that I'd switched safely.

But I was wrong.

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