thirty nine.

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"I was just trying to water my plants!" Soobin whined as the three of us sat in the living room. The black-haired boy sat on an arm chair opposite where Kai and I were sitting.

"Soobin, we can explain—"

"Y/N, I don't think I want you to—"

"Oh my gosh, Soobin! It's really not what it looked like!" Kai hollered.

"I am so confused..." Soobin muttered. "I thought Y/N was dating Taehyun! But next thing I know, she's practically—"

"Please, Soobin! Can you stop panicking—"

"Don't tell me what to do, Kamal—"

"Alright, what is going on out here?" Yeonjun walked joined the three of us holding a cup of coffee in one hand and wearing an annoyed look on his face. "It's not even 8 a.m. and you two are arguing again?"

Kai and Soobin exchanged guilty glances.

"Yeonjun, you don't wanna know wh—"

"Soobin was being dramatic again—"

"One at a time!" Yeonjun exclaimed. "Geez! I swear I'm aging faster because of you two..."

Soobin's hand shot up in the air. "Me first!" He cleared his throat. "So I decided to go up to the rooftop to water my plants since I knew it'd be extremely hot today, and I just so happened to catch Y/N and Kai on the rooftop literally hooking up—"

"Soobin! We were not hooking up!" Kai did a facepalm.

"Well, you were kissing—"

"Pabo, kissing and hooking up are not the same thing!" Yeonjun looked like he was also going to do a facepalm. "I've explained this to you before!"

Soobin turned red with embarrassment. "Whatever. But that's besides the point. Why in the world were you two kissing when I know for a fact that Y/N is dating Taehyun?"

No one said anything for a few seconds. I wanted to say something but I didn't know where to start.

Luckily, Kai broke the silence. "Soobin, I know you're confused. I would be too. And I'm sorry if I offended you in any way, but... Please. Don't say anything to Taehyun. At least, let me do the explaining. Okay?"

"But that's not fair to Taehyun—"

"I know it isn't," Kai said shakily. "I hate myself for hurting him so much. But you need to just let me talk to him myself. Even if you wanna do the right thing, I'm asking that you don't."

"Did you know about this?" Soobin asked Yeonjun.

The red-haired boy nodded slowly. "Y-yes?"

Soobin crossed his arms over his chest. "Why is it always me that gets left out of all the tea in this dorm?"

"You've gotta admit that you're pretty bad at keeping secrets, Soobin," Yeonjun replied. "But hey, now you know..? And you even beat Beomgyu to it!"

"Whatever," Soobin sighed. "I won't say anything to Taehyun, but I really hope you know how you're gonna break this to him, Kai."

"Thanks Soobin," Kai said quietly. "I hope so too."

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