twenty six.

316 14 6

(kai's POV)

I wanted to run after her and tell her I didn't mean anything I'd just said.

But it was too late.

She'd already gotten on a bus. And it was heading back to her place.


"Look who's back," Yeonjun said as soon as I stepped foot into our dorm. "Y/N was looking for you!"

I pretended not to know. "Oh, really? Why?"

"She didn't say. But you should tell her you're back here before she goes on a tour of Seoul looking for you," Yeonjun chuckled.

"I will."

I mustn't have done a good enough job of lying, because Yeonjun approached me with a serious look on his face.

"Kai, what's up? Did something happen?"

"Nothing happened—"

"Kai Kamal Huening."

I sighed. He knew me too well. "I'm just... so confused."

Yeonjun followed me into my room. He closed the door behind us. "Is it about Y/N?"

I nodded.

"Can you tell me about it?"

"She met me at the stream I usually go to when I need some quiet time," I began. "And she asked me..." I paused, not sure whether to continue.

"Asked you what?"

"She asked me about what I said this morning."

"What did you say?"

"I told her that I love her."


My eyes were watering. "I didn't think she'd heard me... But she did, and she wanted to know if I meant what I said."


"And... I told her I didn't mean it, and... I didn't love her like that."

Yeonjun sighed. "But you do—"

"Yes! I do!" I cried. "But I couldn't bring myself to admit it, because... I could never hurt Taehyun like that."

Yeonjun placed a hand on my back. "Listen. It's not too late to tell her the truth."

"I don't know if I should. Lately, I've been feeling so guilty..."

"Do you remember what I told you this morning?"

"I don't think she's ever going to change her mind."

"You don't know that." Yeonjun wiped away a tear from my face. "And that's not what I meant. I was talking about when I told you not to give up on her. Do you remember?"

"But it's so hard not to give up on her when her actions tell me she only loves Taehyun."

Yeonjun scoffed. "Are you blind? Or stupid?"

I gave him a questioning look. "What?"

He sighed. "Didn't you see the way she was holding onto you last night? Didn't you notice her glancing at you every few seconds to make sure you were okay? Don't you remember how she made you egg tarts? Heck, what about the fact that she let you put your arms around her as she was sleeping?"

"I..." Yeonjun had realized things that had completely gone over my head.

"You really think none of that meant anything?" He shook his head in disapproval. "You don't need to be a genius to realize that maybe she feels the same way about you. And even if it isn't love yet... Well, it's the beginning of something."

I dried my tears and looked at Yeonjun. "Maybe... You're right."

"Well of course I'm right!" Yeonjun ruffled my hair. "I say you tell her how you truly feel. Don't dilute anything, and definitely don't lie. Maybe she's just waiting for you to say something because she's confused herself."

"I will... Thanks hyung."

"Anytime." Yeonjun started to leave my room, but popped back in to say one last thing. "Oh, and by the way! Don't tell Taehyun I told you any of this, okay?"

I laughed softly. "Okay."

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