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After an hour, Kai and I left the hospital. This time, the car ride wasn't completely silent.

"Hey, Y/N... How are you feeling?"

"Better, now that I've seen him. How about you?'

"I-I'm... okay. I mean, I don't really know what to feel right now."

"I get it."

There was a short moment of silence before Kai spoke again.

"Hey, what if we went somewhere? I think we're both in dire need of a distraction."

I looked at him with a questioning look. "What'd you have in mind?"

"Well... Beomgyu once took me to a paint-and-sip cafe in downtown Gangnam... And I thought you might want to check it out..." Kai took the red light as an opportunity to wiggle his eyebrows at me.

I laughed. "Alright, let's do it."


"You should know that I suck at painting," I warned Kai once we were seated in the cafe.

"I'm probably way worse," Kai said. "I can't even paint inside the lines sometimes!"

Once we got our drinks and our painting supplies, the table got silent as each of us focused on tracing the picture we were trying to replicate. I chose a picture I took of Taehyun in his 3D glasses the day he asked me to the movies. Kai had chosen a selfie he took with his Molang plushie.

"Oh this is so embarrassing," I said once I saw how badly I traced my picture.

"Mine isn't any better." Kai lifted the tracing paper and showed me the result. He brought his work next to mine and whistled. "This is what you get when you put two amateurs together."

I chuckled. "Why did we decide to do this again?"

"To distract ourselves."

"Right, but... I might get nightmares from my horrible tracing job."

It was Kai's turn to burst out laughing. His laugh was so loud that it seemed to shock even himself.

"Kai, you've got one heck of a laugh," I said, holding my own in.

"Do you think I should change it? Like, make it softer?" Kai demonstrated what he meant by forcing a softer, more manufactured laugh. "Like that?"

"Absolutely not," I replied. "I like your laugh, loud as it may be."

Flustered, Kai looked down on his paper and started retracing over some lines.

I don't think he realized it, but he was bright red. 

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