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"Pleeeeease?" Beomgyu begged me. "Can you please sleep over?"

"But I don't have my pajamas with me! Besides, where would I even sleep?"

"Taehyun's bed?" Kai suggested.

"Okay... But how about my change of clothes?"

"You can borrow my penguin onesie if you really want to sleep comfortably," Kai offered.

"You have a penguin onesie? From where?" I asked.

"Taehyun got it for me for my birthday last year."

"Hmm..." Why would I say no? What was wrong with sleeping over at my boyfriend's place? "Fine. I'm sold."

Beomgyu cheered and gave me a hug. "Finally! I've been preparing scary stories just for tonight!"

"Oh boy..." Soobin muttered.

"But before I begin, let's change into our pajamas first!"

Yeonjun groaned at Beomgyu's request. "Do we really have to?"

Beomgyu glared at him. "Yes. You have no other choice."

While everyone else changed into their pajamas, I followed Kai into his and Taehyun's room. He dug around in his closet until he found his penguin onesie.

"Here," he said, handing it to me.

"Do you think it'll fit me?"

"Whether or not it fits, you'll still look adorable in it."

The butterflies were back again. Luckily, the lights were dimmed. Otherwise, Kai would've seen me blush for sure.


Kai left the room so I could change. When I went back out, I saw that he was already wearing his pajamas— a unicorn onesie with a horn and a tail.

"Oh come on now," I said. "You look so cute!"

"So do you!" Kai pulled the hood of the onesie over my head. "There, now you look like an actual penguin."

We joined the rest of the group, who were seated in a circle on the floor of the living room. Beomgyu was wearing a pair of pajamas with avocados all over. Yeonjun and Soobin were wearing matching pajamas, but in different colors: Yeonjun was wearing light purple, and Soobin was wearing light blue.

Beomgyu got up to turn the lights off. He brought a flashlight under his chin and turned it on.

I heard that Yeonjun was trying to hold in his laughter, but he couldn't. "I'm sorry, but you look so dumb!"

"That's rich coming from you!" Beomgyu shone the flashlight at Yeonjun, who fell back from laughing too much.

"Guys..." Soobin began. "Guys!"

"Sorry," Beomgyu and Yeonjun said in unison.

"Okay, is everyone ready for me to tell my scary stories?" Beomgyu waited for each of us to give a nod of approval. "Alright then..."

As Beomgyu told us scary story after scary story, I felt Kai inch closer and closer to me. Eventually, his shoulder was touching mine. It was dark, but I could make out the worried look on his face as Beomgyu reached the climax of the story. I could tell he also wasn't enjoying it, so I patted his back to reassure him.

"And then!" Beomgyu paused dramatically as the rest of us gasped. "She realized that she had been dead all along!"

I covered my mouth in shock. Without meaning to, I buried my head in Kai's shoulder out of fear.

"Oh my goodness Y/N, you're shaking!" Kai brought his arm around me and rubbed circles on my back. "Are you okay?"

"I am most definitely not!" I cried into Kai's shoulder. "Beomgyu, that was traumatizing!"

Beomgyu scooted over to where Kai and I were sitting. "I'm sorry... I didn't know I was that good at coming up with horror stories..."

"You're not," Soobin said next to us. "Yeonjun fell asleep ten minutes ago." The red-haired boy was fast asleep on the floor with his head on Soobin's lap.

"Ah, jinja..." Beomgyu hissed. "He always falls asleep just as it's getting good!"

"I think it's time to head to bed?" Kai whispered. I lifted my head and nodded.

"Yeah guys, it's midnight," Soobin agreed.

"Fine," Beomgyu sighed. "See you guys in the morning!" He helped Soobin carry a sleeping Yeonjun to his room.

Kai held out a hand and helped me up. We went to his and Taehyun's room and he turned on the lights.

"How many blankets would you like?" Kai asked.

"One is fine, thanks."

He handed me a thick blanket and some extra pillows before turning the light back off.

"Sleep tight, Y/N."

"You too, Kai." 

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