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"He's awake," the same tinny voice at the end of the line said.

"H-he is?" I brought a hand to my chest. My heart was about to burst with adrenaline.

"Yes, would you like to come see him?"

"I would love to."

I hastily got ready and got on the nearest taxi to the hospital. When I got there, the same nurse who brought me and Kai to Taehyun's room was waiting for me. She walked me there again.

"He's waiting inside," she said, smiling. "Please take your time."

I thanked her and slowly opened the door. My heart was racing once again. After almost a week, I would finally be able to talk to him. To hug him.

"Taehyun?" I called as I walked in. "It's me, Y/N."

My heart skipped a beat when I saw that Taehyun was sitting up, eating what looked like oatmeal. He met my gaze as I walked to the side of his bed and pulled up a chair.

"Hey... I'm so glad you're awake." A tear fell down my cheek. "You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to—"

"I'm sorry," Taehyun said, placing the bowl of oatmeal on the folded table over his lap. "But who are you?"

When I heard that question, it felt as if a thousand arrows had pierced my body. I thought I might run out of air.

"What do you mean... You don't remember me?" I asked. I fought back tears of sadness. "I'm Y/N, your girlfriend—"

"I don't have a girlfriend," Taehyun replied. "I don't think I've ever met you."

This time, I felt a knife twist into my back. I couldn't describe the pain I was feeling.

"No... No..." I cried. "No! Taehyun! Please! Remember me! Taehyun..."


I woke up in a cold sweat and fresh tears on my cheeks. I wiped them off with the back of my hand.

Kai must have heard me breathing heavily, because he sat up. "Y/N? Are you okay? What happened?" He walked over to me and sat down at the foot of Taehyun's bed.

"N-nothing, I just... I had a really bad dream."

"Do you want to tell me about it?"

I shook my head, even though Kai couldn't see in the dark. "I think I'll be okay. Sorry for waking you."

Kai didn't believe me. Instead, he brought a hand to my cheek and started to caress it. "You've been crying. Are you sure you're fine?"

I nodded even though I wasn't. "I'm sure."

Kai didn't argue this time. "Okay, feel free to wake me up if you have another nightmare... Or if you just want to talk." He started to get up, but I grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Can you... Can you sleep next to me?"

The words left my mouth before I could even comprehend what I was asking him. I could've taken them back but I chose not to.

"D-do you want me to?"



Kai lied down next to me and pulled the blanket over us. I felt his arm wrap around my torso from behind me. Something about the feeling felt right and wrong at the same time. My mind was in turmoil. I wanted to protest, but I let him pull my body closer against his. He placed a hand over mine, nearly intertwining our fingers.

"Y/N," he whispered, resting his head on my shoulder. "I'm here. I'll always be here."

I collapsed into Kai's embrace as I heard his breaths settle into a steady rhythm. Although he was breathing slowly, his heart was racing.

And mine was too.

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