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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.

It's a Saturday! Who's up this early?

"Hey, Y/N!" It was Kai. "Wait, did I wake you?"

"Kinda," I said drowsily. "Kai, it's 6 a.m. on a Saturday..."

"I know," the boy answered. "But I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go on a morning walk with me? And maybe we can grab some food after?"

I thought about what I had to do today. I needed to do my laundry and fold it, but that was pretty much it. I had already done the bulk of my chores during the week.

"O-okay... Where should I meet you?"

"Your place."

"What time?"

Kai was silent for a second. "Um... I'm outside your door right now..."

"What?!" I looked out my window. Sure enough, Kai was sitting at the doorstep wearing a white shirt and gray sweatpants. "Hold on, I'm coming down."

I sprinted to the front door and opened it. Kai stood up almost immediately. "Good morning!"

"Kai, what are you doing here this early?" I let the tall boy inside.

"I wanted to go on a morning walk with you?" Kai sat down on the couch next to me. "It's a beautiful day..."

"The sun is barely up!"

"Sorry." Kai crossed his arms and sighed. "I guess... I just missed you."

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "But... you saw me yesterday."

"I know. But I couldn't help but miss you anyway."

I couldn't explain the strange feeling that coursed through me as soon as Kai said those words. But I did know one thing: I was definitely blushing.

I immediately stood up and turned away from Kai in an attempt to hide my red cheeks. "Do you want some grape juice?" I asked as I walked to the kitchen.

"Sure?" I heard Kai stand up and follow me into the kitchen.

No, go back to the living room Kai...

"So... You never gave me your answer on the morning walk..."

As I thought about what to say, I opened the fridge and looked for the bottle of grape juice I thought I still...


I just remembered I'd finished the bottle up last night.

"Sorry Kai, but I don't think I have any grape juice left—"

"Y/N," Kai whined behind me. "Can you please answer my question?"

I giggled to myself after hearing Kai complain like a baby. I found it adorable. "Yes." I turned to face the now smiling boy. "I'll go on that walk with you. And we can pick up some grape juice on the way."

Before I could blink, Kai engulfed me in a tight embrace. And though I knew I had to shower and get ready...

I didn't want him to let go. 

i know i love you | hueningkaixreaderWhere stories live. Discover now