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(yeonjun's POV)

I've known Kai and Taehyun for almost five years now. So I knew when one of them was annoyed at the other and didn't want to show it, or happy for the other and didn't want to embarrass himself by admitting so. Even when Y/N came into the picture, it was still easy for me to see how each maknae was feeling. They didn't know it, but I would quietly observe their body language around the girl, and their interactions when she wasn't there but she was brought up in conversation.

One morning, the two maknaes and I just happened to be in the kitchen making breakfast at the same time. The conversation, as it always did, somehow got around to Y/N.

"Speaking of flowers, what do you think is Y/N's favorite?" Taehyun asked Kai, who was eating the pancakes he proudly made.

"I remember her mentioning she likes lilies the most and absolutely hates roses," Kai replied without looking up from his plate. "Why?"

"I don't know... It seems like she's been really stressed lately, so I wanted to drop off some flowers for her this afternoon," Taehyun explained.

Kai looked up from his pancakes with a look on his face that was halfway between confusion and shock. "W-why?"

"Why not?" the older maknae replied as he poured milk into his cereal.

"Dude, don't you think she'll get the wrong idea?" Kai asked.

Taehyun paused. "Well... What if I want her to get that wrong idea?"

I scrolled through my Instagram feed to pretend that I wasn't interested in their conversation.

"Wait a minute..." Kai said slowly, realizing what Taehyun had just implied. "You like Y/N?"

A smirk formed on Taehyun's face. "Maybe I do...?"

Kai dropped the pancake he was about to put in his mouth. "You're not sure?"

"I don't know... I think I am," Taehyun started.

I swear I heard Kai mumble "crap."

"It's just... every single time I'm with her alone, my palms get really sweaty and I start watching my words more," Taehyun continued. "And whenever she says something flattering or she grabs my arm out of habit... my heart starts to race."

"Yup!" Kai exclaimed. "You like her!" He had a big smile on his face, but I knew him enough to know that it wasn't genuine. The slight edge in his voice when he said "her" meant that he was worried.

And I knew why.

For the last few days, I'd been watching the maknaes super closely. I especially paid attention to them when Y/N came over, and it took me just a second to realize that...

They both like Y/N.

Kai was more obvious about it, while Taehyun made an effort to keep his feelings hidden around her.

"Okay, I probably do like her," Taehyun admitted. "So should I drop off the lilies?"

"Yes!" Kai replied, even though I knew he really wanted to say the opposite. "You should write her a card too!" He got up almost immediately after saying that and threw out his leftover pancakes. It was uncharacteristic of him to not finish his breakfast, so I knew something was up.

"Maybe I will... Thanks for the idea, Kai!" Taehyun was too busy pouring himself a glass of water to notice that Kai had left the kitchen without replying.

And all I could think was, Oh no.

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