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As if my fingers had a mind of their own, I dialed a number I hadn't called in a while.


Ever since Taehyun and I started dating, he had been awfully distant from me. While the other boys wanted to know every detail of our relationship, he shied away from such conversations.

He shied away from me.

But I needed him now.

"Y/N? Is everything okay?"

I was so relieved to hear his voice. "Kai! I-I'm so glad you picked up..."

"Of course... Do you need help with anything? Do you need me to come get you? Are you okay?"

I was alarmed by his sudden interrogation. "No... I mean, yes. I need you to meet me."

"Coming right now," he said. "Where?"

"My place."

"I'll be right there."


Five minutes later, Kai arrived at my door. He was holding a soaked umbrella and his hair looked wet, which probably means that it's raining.

"Kai!" I threw my hands around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug. "Kai, thanks for coming on such short notice..."

"Anything for you, Y/N," he murmured, bringing his arms around the small of my back. I buried my face in the crook of his neck and we stayed like this for a few seconds.

Neither of us had to say it, but we were in indescribable pain. We were both hurting.

When I pulled back, Kai's shirt was wet where my face had been. I didn't realize I'd started crying.

"Oh, Y/N..." Kai pulled me in again, this time patting my back gently to soothe me. "I know, I know. It hurts for me too."

"I can't believe—"

"Shhhh... I'm here," Kai said softly. "I'm here." I felt him run a hand through my hair. I invited the warm feeling that followed, something I hadn't felt in a while.

"I-it's my fault for telling him to come as soon as possible. And because I was just too damn selfish, he might..."

"Hey." Kai brought a hand to my cheek and brushed away a tear. "None of this is your fault, okay? I don't want you to think that. Ever."

I nodded, but I didn't believe his words. All of this was my fault. If I hadn't been so needy and told Taehyun he had to come to my place right then and there, he wouldn't have rushed. And he wouldn't have crashed.

"I... I want to see him," I said. "Will you come with me?"

Kai looked at me with a sad look in his eyes. He feigned a smile and nodded. I couldn't imagine the pain he was in. I'd only known Taehyun for a few weeks. He'd known his best friend for almost a third of his life.

"Let's go. I'll drive," Kai offered. "I promise I'll get you to Taehyun safely."

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