thirty eight.

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The next morning, I woke up in Kai's embrace. His arm was draped protectively over my waist, the other acting as my pillow. It felt just like the morning he confessed to me.

I slowly turned so as not to wake the sleeping boy. He was snoring ever so slightly and I could hear his soft breaths.

"Kai," I whispered as I brushed a hand through his soft locks. Under the sun, they looked golden.

I continued to watch him sleep for the next few minutes. The entire time, I admired his beautiful features. The small moles that dotted his face like stars in the night sky. The slight bump on his nose. The soft arch of his eyebrows. The contour of his cheekbones. The scarlet color of his soft lips.

I wanted to kiss them.

So I did.

As I gently pressed my lips to his, he stirred awake. His lips curved into a smile when he realized what was happening. And he kissed me back.

"Good morning, darling," he muttered before pressing his lips to my forehead.

I let out a chuckle as he mischievously pulled me on top of him. His cold hands snaked under my shirt and they wrapped around my waist.

"Did you sleep well?" Kai whispered.

"Mhm." I nestled my head into the crook of his neck. "You?"

"Best sleep I've had in months." His hands started to move up and down, which sent shivers through my body. "I wish I could wake up like this every morning."

"With the sun glaring at you?"

"No, silly. With you next to me."

I sat up and crunched my nose at Kai. "Well we can't all have what we want..."

"Maybe not, but that won't stop me from hoping." Kai sat up and our lips met in a gentle kiss. The moment was perfect. It felt as if the world had frozen, except for us.

But the sweet moment was cut short when we heard something drop.

"What in the—"

It was Soobin. And he'd just dropped a filled watering pot. Along with his jaw.

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