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(kai's POV)

"I guess it's your turn," Y/N said as she walked out of Taehyun's room.

"I guess it is."

Taehyun was in bandages but he seemed... at peace. He looked like he was just sleeping. His mouth was agape, head turned slightly to one side. And that's how I wanted to imagine him. Just sleeping.

"Hey there," I said, bringing a chair to the side of his bed. "Kai here."

I imagined him saying something along the lines of, "Oh look, it's my best friend!" or "Ew, what are you doing here?"

I laughed to myself as if he'd said the latter. "I'm here because..." I paused. Was it right to tell him what I wanted to say next?

"I'm here because... I need to tell you something." I took my eyes off of Taehyun and brought them to the floor. "I need you to wake up as soon as possible."

I imagined him asking me why.

"Because... I'm afraid that if you don't wake up soon, I..." I fought back tears. "I might do or say something that will hurt you."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean..." A single tear ran down my cheek.

"Kai, it's okay. You can tell me anything."

"I think I..."

"I'm your best friend."

"I think I might be in love with Y/N... A-And I'm scared that if you don't wake up soon... I might tell her."

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