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(kai's POV)

I woke up at exactly 8 the next morning. She was still asleep in my arms. She looked so at peace.

"Hey... Y/N..." I slowly brushed my fingers through her hair, careful not to wake her. "I wish..."

No. Don't say it, Kai.

I slowly moved my arm from Y/N's body, but she stirred. So I kept it around her. Even if it felt wrong.

You're betraying your best friend, Kai. Let go of her.

I wanted to listen to the little voice inside my head because I knew it was the right thing to do. I knew it was the right thing to stop acting like Y/N was more than just a friend.

But for some reason, I couldn't bring myself to leave her as she slept. I wanted to stay by her side all morning until she woke up.

"I wish I had the courage to tell you this before..." I started. The little voice was shouting at me to stop. But I kept going. "And... I wish you'd heard this from me earlier..."

I brought my face close to hers and whispered the words I'd been struggling to keep to myself.

"I know I love you."

i know i love you | hueningkaixreaderWhere stories live. Discover now