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Soobin and I decided to proceed with the baking competition. He'd chosen to make madeleines, while I would attempt to make egg tarts. Meanwhile, the other three played a Halli Galli game. Kai had won again.

"Too bad Taehyun isn't here to act as Supreme Court Justice," Beomgyu said sadly.

"Why can't you just accept that maybe, just maybe, I'm actually good at this game?" Kai whined. Then in a cute voice, he said, "It looks like you and Yeonjun owe me a week's worth of lunch!" Beomgyu and Yeonjun groaned.


Two hours later, Soobin and I had finished. The sun had already fully set.

Kai gasped upon seeing that I'd made his favorite treat. "Egg tarts?!"

I nodded proudly. "I know they're your favorite!"

"Okay, that's not fair," Soobin complained. "Gosh, why did I make madeleines?"

"Oh Soobin, I'm sure they're amazing," Yeonjun reassured him.

"Ew, stop flirting," Beomgyu said bluntly.

"I'm not—" Yeonjun began to protest, but he was cut off by Beomgyu.

"Since I am just and unbiased, I shall be the judge."

"I'm not so sure about 'just'..." Soobin scoffed.

"Soob, no one asked," Beomgyu said. "I will be the judge of this competition." He proceeded to take a bite of each of our baked goods, his expressions changing from shock, to approval, to contemplation.

"So?" Soobin asked quietly once Beomgyu had finished chewing.

"Hmmm..." Beomgyu closed his eyes for a second. "The winner is..."

Next to me, Kai started drum rolling on the table.


Kai hugged me as soon as he heard my name. "I told you! She's amazing!"

Soobin pouted, but he congratulated me anyway. "Looks like I've got a thing or two to learn about you." We high-fived each other.

"Y/N, can I take one?" Yeonjun asked. I nodded, and he popped one in his mouth. His eyes lit up. "Wow! Kai! I think these are better than the ones you get at the bakery!"

"Really?!" Kai reached over to take an egg tart and bit into it. His eyes lit up too. "Oh. My. Guacamole. Yeonjun's right!"

It was Soobin's turn to try. He brought a hand up to his mouth as he chewed. "Daebak! This... is perfection! How...?"

I giggled. "I used my grandma's recipe."

"Suddenly, I want your grandma to fly over here and make us baked goods for an entire week," said Yeonjun.

"But I'm already here!" I pointed out. "And my grandma gave me all of her recipes..."

"So does that mean you're coming over every day and baking us something?" Beomgyu asked. "Maybe you and Soobin can bake together!"

"I like that idea," Soobin said.

"So do I," Kai agreed.

"Well... I guess... If you guys insist..."

The four boys exchanged excited grins and said, "Yes!"

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