forty five.

246 13 2

My phone was tempting me. It was on the coffee table in front of me, lighting up every few seconds with a message from someone. But I tried to ignore it since I knew none of the messages would be from the person I wanted them to come from.

I wanted to talk to him and apologize for sending him away out of the blue.

Partly because I was having a hard time dealing with my emotions with no one to talk to. He was the only person who could really understand me. He always knew the right thing to say. The right thing to do.

I missed him.

"Fuck it." I grabbed my phone and dialed Kai's number. It felt like the first time I called him after Taehyun's accident. A newfound confidence had surged through me.


I was disheartened to hear that he hadn't picked up.


"It's me. What's up?"

"Um... Is Kai there?"

"He's not. I actually have no idea where he could've gone."

The stream.

"Alright, never mind then—"

"Wait, Y/N. I know we aren't super close, but... If you need to talk to anyone, I'm here. I know we didn't leave off on such a good note last time but I'm all ears."

"A-actually... Can I? Talk to you, I mean. I just need to talk to someone..."

"Of course. Do you want to meet me anywhere specifically?"

"Nowhere, really."

"It sounds like you need ice cream and a beautiful view of the Han River as the sun sets. How 'bout it?"

"Sounds good. Thanks Soobin. Seriously."

"No worries, Y/N."

I heaved a sigh of relief when the call ended. Even if Kai wasn't the one to pick up, I was glad Soobin did. I was glad to finally have someone to talk to.

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