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After that night, Taehyun and I met up almost every day. He introduced me to his friends about a week later.

"Guys! This is Y/N," Taehyun said. His four friends simultaneously looked up from whatever they were doing and stood up to meet me. I suddenly felt miniature; they were all giants.

"Hey Y/N, I'm Beomgyu," a slim, brown-haired boy said, shaking my hand furiously. "I'm the most likeable member of the group!"

"Um, change 'likeable' to 'annoying'," said a boy with fiery red hair. "I'm Yeonjun by the way."

"Nice to meet you both," I said. Next to me, Taehyun was rolling his eyes.

"Always you two..." he muttered.

Up next was another black-haired boy who seemed the tallest out of the five. "I'm Soobin. Sorry our dorm is kind of a mess, but welcome!"

"Trust me, my place is probably worse," I said, chuckling.

Then came a boy with caramel blonde hair. "Hello Y/N, I'm Kai. But the boys usually call me Hueningkai."

"I call him Hueningie!" Soobin called out.

"I call him Ningning sometimes," Beomgyu added.

"When he pisses me off, I call him by his full name," Yeonjun said. "Kai Kamal Huening." Kai stuck out his tongue at Yeonjun in response.

I looked at Taehyun, expecting him to share his special name for Kai as well. "And you?"

"I call him my best friend," Taehyun said. The other boys, except for Kai, all groaned in unison. A large grin appeared on Kai's face.

"Do you have a preference?" I asked him.

Kai chuckled softly. "Whatever you prefer, goes."

"I guess Kai, then."


"Great! Now that we're all acquainted, why don't we play a game of Halli Galli?" Taehyun suggested.

"Wait, I'm not sure I know what that game is," I told him.

"Oh, it's easy!" Beomgyu said. "The hardest part is making sure Kai doesn't cheat."

The blonde-haired boy threw his hands up in the air. "Hey! Why do you guys always assume I'll cheat?!"

"Because you always do!" said the other four boys at exactly the same time. Their synchronization in almost everything blew me away.

"Don't believe them, they're lying," Kai whispered to me. Then he turned to the other four boys who were standing shoulder-to-shoulder in front of us. He held up his right hand and said, "I, Kai Kamal Huening, promise not to cheat on the Halli Galli game."

Taehyun rolled his eyes at him. "Okay, but if you cheat, I will personally smack you with that umbrella over there," he said, pointing to an umbrella leaning against the shoe rack.

"I will not cheat," Kai vowed.

The boys proceeded to play a somewhat chaotic card game that involved a lot of slapping and shouting at each other. I was seated between Taehyun and Kai, who were constantly eyeing each other.

"Taehyunnie," Kai said once he and Taehyun were the only ones left playing. "How much do you wanna bet I'll win this round?"

"My entire savings account and my Starbucks gift cards," Taehyun replied without looking at Kai. He had just played his last card and was probably coming up with a plan to rebound. "You are not going to win this time!"

"Challenge accepted," Kai said. Then, in a grand gesture to prove Taehyun wrong, he slapped a card on the floor and almost immediately snatched the large pile of cards that had accumulated in the center.

"Yah!" Beomgyu shouted. "I know you memorized your cards again!"

"Did not!" Kai countered.

"I agree that he couldn't have possibly memorized his cards," Taehyun admitted. "I gave them to him last."

Kai began to nod furiously. "See? And that's coming from my best friend!'

"Besides," Taehyun spoke again. "He wouldn't dare cheat in front of a guest!"

All eyes turned to me as soon as Taehyun said those words. I shrugged, not knowing what to say.

"Fine," Beomgyu said. "Ningning wins this time, but I'll make sure he doesn't win next time."

"Damn!" Kai hollered. "Why is no one on my side?"

"Because you always cheat!" the other four boys said in unison again. I laughed. Bearing witness to their humorous sibling dynamic brought so much entertainment.

And that's when I knew I wanted to keep spending time with them. 

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