thirty two.

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(kai's POV)

His room was cold. It had been about two weeks since I last visited him, but it felt more like two years.

"Hey," I said as I sat down next to him. His eyes were closed and he was breathing slowly. "It's me again. Your best friend."

It felt wrong to say those last three words. After everything I'd done to hurt him these past few days, I had no right calling him that.

"Do you remember what I told you last time I visited?"

"Hmm... Remind me again?"

"When I told you to wake up soon? Yeah, I really wish you had woken up yesterday. Last week, even. Why didn't you, Taehyun?" I felt stupid asking a question to a person who couldn't even hear me.

"I wish you would've woken up and stopped me from doing all the stupid things I did." I paused, taking Taehyun's cold hand in mine. "Just wake up soon, okay? Then I'll explain everything and you can either choose to hate me, or... help me get over her."

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