Chapter 5

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Our rectangular chat screen is in bloom
With my thumbs I make roses bloom

- Blueming, IU

The screen lit up and it was clear who the messenger is, it was him, the person whom she has given a chance to be with her.

Eric: Hello, this is me, Eric. How are you?

He was so formal, he didn't have to state his name there was already his name on top of the screen and it was so obvious that she burst into laughter.

Ange: I'm fine, it seems that you haven't known that your name was already placed on the screen

Eric: I know

She blinks, he was still typing his words while she waits. The period of waiting was sweet, unlike that time when she was lining up in the canteen or when she waited for her friends to come so they can go out.

Eric: I just wanted to let you remember me and I really wanted you to know me, my likes and my habits, the friends I hang out on and the family that took care of me for sixteen years I want you to know all of me and for that, I want you to know my name first.

Her hands stopped, her thumb hangs on the keyboards of her screen as she read his words over and over again. Then she started typing, ultimately erasing the first letters and creating new ones before editing it again.

She was flustered, her brothers have already called out for her name to dine with them and then after finishing her message she's been editing for like years, she sent it to him.

Ange: I'll have to see your performance then

She didn't look back and entered their dining room, her head still wraps up in his words and the emotions it brought to her.

"What are you smiling at?" Her third brother, Jonnel asked her.

"Eh, you have a how don't you?" Her second brother, Ronnel, teaser and she was thankful that the light was dim to cover enough the blush threatening to surface on her cheeks.

(AN: Jowa is a slang in the Philippines which means boyfriend or girlfriend)

"I don't! Maybe you have, you're cheeks are literally littered with pimples!" I retorted which he immediately slaps my hand and glared at me.

(AN: Yes, the matter of having pimples relates with one having a crush or someone having a crush on you, that's what I always heard from them)

I stuck my tongue out at him, our mother returned with our father, his entire body reeked of alcohol, and I couldn't help but tense once more.

I know that when he gets super drunk, he was like a crazy gangster, always smashing things, and on top of that, he has his balisong on his waist as if he was about to wreak havoc.

(AN: Balisong, a folding pocketknife with a handle consisting of two parts that divide and pivot around to enclose the blade, typically used as a weapon)

I quickly finished my food and went inside my room with my pillows on my ears and hope that the loud angry voices of my parents fighting would diminish.

Chapter 5 is up!

I still get scared when my parents argue and when my father shouts, it's like an instant reaction from me but he was a good man and a great father.

Have a great day everyone! Stay safe and happy!

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