Letter 12

17 2 0

I go back to being against the waves
In the place where the sea inside me was born

- My sea, IU

Like a drop of water riding against the waves of the ocean, I find myself looking back at the life that I've lived for the past years.

I'm just one of those unfamiliar faces you see on the streets, maybe one could recognize me after seeing me four times but I doubt they would find me that interesting.

I tried to imagine the life of glamour, where everyone knows your name and follows the path of being the main character. For every passing day, something new and unexpected will happen, like a drama that runs on television that everyone sits through to watch every day.

Maybe I would also like the life of the main character but then I would crave to be myself. I mean is my life even interesting? I don't think so, but maybe to some it kind of is or maybe I'm just deluding myself.

Either way, I'm still in the process of creating my own story, maybe something that I did or say would become part of or change someone's life.

Who knows?

Letter 12 is up!

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