Chapter 69

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The two of us entered the central mall in pantok and went straight to Dodolon, the arcade where almost every student of madrigal whether elementary or high school appeared.

Bright lights illuminate our faces, the noisy ambiance from the children running around the area and shouting excitedly as they won another ticket from the game. Couples sitting down the Karaoke booth, friends walking down the clothes section, and some standing with their foods on, away from the arcade since food is banned inside.

The two of us waited for about 20 minutes before one of the booths opened and a couple passed us. We soon came inside, the noise suddenly decreased and it was only the two of us left in this small enclosed space.

Our breaths mingled with each other, his warmth could be felt after being this close to him, we played a game of I look at you and you look at me till the two of us laughed at our awkward interaction.

I wasn't really the type of person to sing but for this special day, I will.

"Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday dear Eric ~ Happy Birthday to you!"

I sang to him on the microphone and hid my face with my handkerchief when he took his phone out and decided to film me.

"Hey! Don't show my face!" I shouted at him with the mic still closed to my lips resulting in an ear-piercing voice.

"It's a waste, you should've sung a song you like and not this" he was distressed after all I just wasted my money for singing this birthday song to him.

"It's special, duh! I wouldn't have sung it in front of anyone else!"

He gave me those dimple smiles of his which made me dazzled and he used that to his advantage and kissed me in the forehead with a smack leaving me a bit dumbfounded.

"You rogue!" I pinched his arm while he yelled like a pig about to be slaughtered.

"Aw! Be careful- aw!"

"In front of the public huh! Dare you do that again?!" I raised my brows as I dared him to do that again or else I'll pinch him and make him wail in pain.

"I won't, I won't anymore. I'm just a bit... excited" he blushed and I blushed at his latter part, I think I have also been affected by Jamie's wretchedness.

The two of us unanimously avoided that topic again and decided to make use of our money and sing. I admit he did have a good voice and I'm also a bit embarrassed to sing like him, it makes me feel like a pabebe.

(AN: “Pabebe” is a Filipino slang expression meaning, to act like a baby or to act as demure as a teen)

Soon the two of us held each other's hand and are shawarma while we walk to my street. The afternoon was kind and pleasant, honks from various vehicles could be heard in the background, and wrinkles of laughter mixed in with the carolings that are now beginning to take place in every street.

My palm began to sweat and I was about to take it from his hold but he didn't let me, instead, he takes his handkerchief and wipe it. Every finger was wiped leaving me embarrassed and a bit shy.

There are times like these that I feel like a spoiled girl after all he would treat me like a princess and let me avoid doing tiring work. He would even help me designing my activities and teaching me about the topic I was about to report.

"Come on, I'm gonna give you the carbonara I cooked yesterday"

His eyes lit up and I could feel his steps lightening making me smile at his silliness. His hand tightened when we get near my house after being teased constantly by our neighbors which made his face looked like a cooked shrimp.

He was still a bit nervous facing my brothers and I understand him. I bet I would be like a lamb about to be slaughtered when I go to their place but that's for the future.

"Come on, mom wanted to greet you a happy birthday as well" that made his stiff shoulder relaxed and we went in together.

My brothers weren't around, the others were working and my fourth brother, I don't know where he's gone off to again as long as he doesn't fight.

I went to our kitchen while he sat in our living room, waiting for me, and when I arrived with a plastic box filled with his favorite pasta, carbonara.

"Thank you" he took it in his hand and looked at me gratefully.

"Your welcome and oh, happy birthday"

And in his eye, she watches as the girl he loves greets him a happy birthday from the bottom of her heart, and at that time, he had another impulse and so he did.

He kissed her on the forehead and thanked the heavens for having met her in his life.

Chapter 69 is up!

Have a great day everyone and stays safe!

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