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26: Kids are cute

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26: Kids are cute.

It was the next day and Lisa felt insecure. She started doubting herself for things she didn't do.

"Li, you seem dazed?" Jia spoke as she was doing homework before the class starts. "I suppose so. You didn't complete the assignment? Seriously?!" Lisa pointed out.

"Well, the teacher wouldn't know ahaha"

"Yep. Oh shoot. I forgot I had to do that too!" She hurriedly took her book and started doing work.

Ace and Ahn, who were behind them, sighed at the same time. "What're you sighing about?" Ace asked Ahn.

"Life." Ace nodded. "I wish to skip class again- but that shouldn't happen"

Because she will get hurt..

He continued the sentence in his mind.
The classes for the day had come to an end. Everyone submitted their assignments and left.

Ace and Lisa waited for Arthur to drive to them. Once he came, the two went home. It was a long day, they thought.

"I need you two to come with me to go cater the orphanage today. They have a five year anniversary." Granny Emma announced and the two nodded. "So where something casual. Not so fancy okay? Be ready in a hour" she added and left.

"Hey Lisa. Pick me an outfit okay? Thanks" Ace told her and she glared at him as she didn't get a chance to decline.

Lisa stood up from her sitting position and went to the huge closet. Her fingers skimmed through her clothes and she pulled a white buttoned shirt. She picked out light blue shorts that wasn't too short, just the perfect size.

Her eyes scanned Ace's clothes and she chose black ripped jeans to match with a simple loose white shirt that had the word "simplicity" in black colour.

She approved and nodded at herself in satisfaction.
She wore the clothes she selected and combed her hair down. Ace was already ready, he was just spraying perfume on himself, causing Lisa to sneeze.

"Ready?" Ace nodded and exited with Lisa following him.

They sat in the back of the car and Emma was sitting in the front next to Arthur who was driving.

Lisa looked out of the window seeing the beautiful orphanage. A bubbly smile formed on her face as they saw the kids coming to welcome them.

As they were walking, she noticed two children bickering. "I'll be back" she excused herself to go to them.

"Hiii" she greeted them grabbing their attention. "What's wrong?"

"He twook my cwolour pencwil!!" The little girl exclaimed. "She started fwirst! She kwissed my chweek!!" Lisa giggled at how cute they were.

In a few seconds, Ace showed up. "What are your names?" He asked. "She's Jessica and I'm Leo!" Ace ruffled Leo's hair.

"Even though she kissed your cheek, you shouldn't take her colour pencils." Ace reasoned out, taking Jessica's side. "You shouldn't kiss just anyone on the cheek." Lisa told Jessica and she pouted. "But I lwike him! Mummy kwisses dwaddy too!"

"What about you Leo, do you like her?" Leo nodded shyly. "Then you should be friends hm? You would make great friends" Ace spoke. "Now, say sorry to eachother and hug"

Lisa watched as Ace handled them. The two kids said sorry and hugged eachother just as Ace told. "Thwank you." Leo kissed Lisa's and Ace's cheeks and happily skipped away with his new friend.

"They're cute" Ace said grinning. "I know right!!"
After cutting the gigantic cake, they distributed slices to the children and the people.

The kids performed for them and they cheered, clapping. They took pictures and said a few words before the owner of the orphanage came to talk to them.

The clouds blocked the sun's light making it a little less brighter.

"Thank you so much for being here and donating to our orphanage. It's such a honour" she thanked them. "It's our responsibility. Besides, who wouldn't want to meet the children." Granny Emma replied.

"Oh that reminds me, I have to go somewhere else. You both come back in your car. Arthur drove it here." Emma spoke as the owner went towards the children.

"The keys" Arthur gave him the keys before leaving with the former queen. Ace and Lisa informed the owner and said goodbye to the children before going.

Droplets of water started dropping clearly showing that it was raining. Lisa searched for warmth as she was cold.

She waited as he went to get the car.

To be continued..
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