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54: Regret

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54: Regret.

Ace cleared his throat as he noticed the two. "I'll bring you something to eat" he said, glaring at Luke suspiciously.

He purposely bumped his shoulder with Luke's as he left. "W-What's up with him?" Luke shrugged at Lisa's question.

"now let's check your injuries hm?"
Wendy waited for her phone to ring, she waited for someone.. anyone to call her. She had no-one close anymore.

She got jealous of Lisa, how she had someone who loved her very dearly. Wendy spent her nights drinking wine which made her uncle worried.

"Wendy, come down to eat?" Her uncle asked and she shook her head as a no. "I'm heading out and I don't want anyone to come with me."

Wendy wore a coat before leaving to her car. She got in and felt nostalgic as she took a glimpse of the passenger seat, the same seat Ace sat before.

She started driving, playing music as she did so. She felt a wet substance go down her face and when she touched it, she realised that she was crying.

I can forget him..

I deserve better..

Let him be happy...

I..can forget.. him...

Crap no I can't..

It's just so hard..

Screw him!

All sorts of thoughts went in and out of her mind. Suddenly, the car stopped abruptly, making her forehead hit the wheel. The car was stuck in the middle of the road.

She tried to start the engine again but it didn't work for some questionable reason. As a light was visible on her face, she turned her head to see a truck coming at her car in full speed.

Panic shot through her and she immediately tried opening the car door to escape but it was somehow locked.

Is this how I die? Like how my parents died?

The truck came and she shut her eyes. But the truck never hit her car. Another car took the fall for her, she screamed.

She slammed her fists onto the window but it didn't break and so she took something, her keys. She punched the window using her keys which made small cuts.

She cursed under her breath and took off her sharp heels. Thanking herself for wearing heels, she smashed it very hard and the window broke.

She got out of the car and ran to the car. The truck left after hitting the car which seemed suspicious.

She peeked through the broken window of the car, calling an ambulance. The man was oddly handsome and familiar.

Memories she wanted to forget badly, flooded her head and she fell onto the ground, shaking.

_____flashback; three years ago____

Wendy entered the hotel that had a party going on. She angrily pulled her  boyfriend from eating a random girl's face.

She slapped his face hard making everyone stop dancing. She huffed as he slapped him again. "So you dare cheat on me..the princess of Kirovia?! You didn't love me..you loved my fame and money. You'll regret breaking a royal's heart. I'll make sure you regret!"

She yelled every word while getting so mad at him. She eyed the people before leaving.

She got in the car and took out the cans of beer she bought. She chugged down each can, her cheeks getting redder.

She was so drunk and numb. Wendy screamed, venting all her frustration in the car. She drove the car in a fast speed that she was oblivious whether there was someone on the road.

Just as the person was about to get to the other side of the road, a flash of light blocked her eyes and it widened as she realised that a car was coming her way.

Her body froze as she couldn't move as the car came her way. The car hit her body and it went up before her body hit the road. Blood seeped through her head and wounds were seen.

Wendy was shocked at what she did. She wanted to get away from the scene as soon as possible and so she drove away without looking back while the person blacked out, letting out deep breaths.


She regretted leaving Lisa on that road that night. More so, she felt so guilty being the cause of her being away for three whole years.
"He's out of danger now. He is a very talented doctor from Werthon and I know he is a very strong man." The nurse assured Wendy who was in a state of shock.

To be continued..

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