All alone

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I walk through my front door. I'm finally home!

I go up to mine and Kes' bedroom.

He's... he's... he's packing...

I knock on the door to get his attention.

"Oh. Uh..."

*what's going on?"

"I need space, okay? After what happened, I just... I just don't know how safe it is for Toni to be around you."

*he's my son! Are you even giving him a choice?*

"I don't need to! He saw what you could be! When you lose control!"

*i was being controlled! I didn't know what I was doing!*

"You didn't know what you were doing? Do you want me to tell you what you almost did?"

I don't answer.

"You almost killed us before your brother stabbed you!"

*i almost killed you?*

"Yes! And that is why, me and Toni will be staying away for a while, until I see fit for us to come back."

Toni looks at me from on the bed.


He looks at his feet.

I tear up.

"This is the last bag. We're going now."

He picks up Toni and then walks straight past me.

I follow them to the front door.

Kes puts the bag into his car and then straps Toni in.

He walks up to me, "I'm sorry, but... this is for the best... okay?"

I look at the floor.

He hugs me and kisses my cheek, "I love you."

I tell him I love him too and then he leaves. With our son.

And I'm all alone.

I close the door and I burst into tears.

I don't know what to do.

After a few hours I hear a knock at the door.

I answer it to see the nice homeless man who asked if I was alright.


I wave.

"So, I saw the news from a shop window. A few years back, can you no longer speak?"

I shake my head.

"Okay, I was just wondering if I can stay here the night? You're husband has been letting me, it's just that it's nearing winter."

I tell him he can.

"Okay, thank you! Can I bring my stuff in?"

I nod.

"Thank you!"

He picks up his blanket and carries it in.

*wear has Kes been letting you sleep?*

"On the couch."

*is it comfortable, or no?*

"It's okay? Caused some back problems though."

*come with me?*

I take him upstairs to a spare room and he goes in, "this is cool!"

He puts his blanket of stuff down and sits on the bed, "how long can I stay here?"

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now