Toni has a crush on someone

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Tonis POV:

I walk into class and sit down in my seat.

Josh walks in and I look at our desk.

"Hi Toni!"
"You good?"

I nod quickly, "was wondering if you wanna have tea at mine again?"
"Of course! You're like... my best friend! Who else's house am I going to have tea at?"

He smiles, "we're gonna be best friends for life!"

I smile back at him...

At break, I'm at my locker when someone taps my shoulder.

I turn around to see Katie. One of the many girls who has a crush on Josh.

"So... I heard you and someone talking at the shops yesterday."
"Don't worry, you're secrets safe with me."
"What one?"
"Oh, just that you... like a certain someone?"

Wait, she knows?

"Listen. You'll do something for me, and I'll keep your secret safe. quid mihi, quod pro vobis."
"Something for me, something for you."
"What do I do?"
"You'll pretend to be my my boyfriend to make my ex jealous."
"You have till midnight tonight to message me your decision on Instagram. I'll add you, yeah? What's your Insta?"

She gets out her phone and types something and then walks away.

I scratch the back of my head.

Josh Walks up to me, "hey Toni!"
"God, it's so warm today!"

I notice his cheeks are slightly pink.

"And it was especially unbearable with football tryouts!"

I nod.

And he smiles, "can't wait to have dinner at yours today, your parent cooks one hell of a lasagna!"
"That's true."

He ruffles my hair, "I'm glad that you're my best friend! That's never gonna change, okay?"

I smile and he hugs me.

Hugs from him are the third best! First is Nomy hugging me, cause those are the best best best ever! And then Dads hugs are second best! And then it's Josh's hugs! And no one else ever gives me hugs except my grandparents and some of Nomys friends when they visit.
But that's not very often.

Dad's parents NEVER visit though.

"Hey, so... at lunch, a few of us are going to the field to play. You wanna come with?"

I nod.

"Awesome! You wanna know what I find adorable?"
"How you barely speak to or acknowledge other people, but then you find me special enough to be so open around me. I'm honoured."
"You're welcome."
"Wish my mom was as nice as you..."
"W-what do you mean?"
"I... never mind... I don't wanna talk about it..."
"Okay. I won't budge."

He smiles weakly, "let's go to lesson, okay?"

We go to lesson...

Nomy picks us up from school, "hello, boys!"

We greet them and then Me and Josh get in and drive to his so he can get some stuff.

Nomy waits at the front door for Josh.

His dad walks up to him, "who are you?"
"Tonis parent."
"Josh's friend."
"Oh. Parent?"
"I'm... i don't really care what pronouns people use for me, but I prefer they them pronouns."
"Okay. So... if I were to say, oh, so and so did this, what would I say?"
"Doesn't matter really."
"So you use any and all pronouns?"
"Pretty much."
"But you prefer They Them pronouns?"
"Okay. See, I'm sort of new to this whole thing, I'm just trying to learn stuff? So... bear with me if I get anything wrong."
"It's fine, don't worry about it."
"I'm Bill by the way."
"Damien Jean. A pleasure to meet you."
"You too. I have a question?"
"What does transgender mean?"
"It's when someone feels that they are a different gender from what they were born. For instance, my sister was born male, and she discovered that she was trans and so transitioned to female."
"Okay. That makes sense. What's a lesbian?"
"When a Woman has a sexual or romantic attraction to another woman."
"And Gay means a boy likes another boy, yes?"
"Yes. I, my self, am gay."
"So you like men?"
"Cool. What's a bisexual."
"Attracted to both men and women."
"Oh. I think I might be a bisexual..."
"Good for you."
"Can't tell my wife though, and ask her to help me figure it out, she's a devout Christian and hates gays and stuff."
"Ah, okay."

Nomy suddenly looks up, past Josh's dad, "excuse me for a second?"

He nods and moves out of the way as Nomy rushes in.

Josh's dad walks over, "hi! Are you Toni?"

I nod.

"Okay. Mind if I ask your pronouns?"
"Ooh! What term is it when you go by those?"
"Usually DemiBoy I think?"
"Oh, cool!"

I nod.

Josh Walks out of the house and hugs his dad.

"Hey squirt, what's wrong?"

I can hear shouting in the house;

"ARE YOU INSANE!?" I hear Nomy shout, "YOU THREW A GLASS AT ME!!"
"shut up, you Devils child!"
"That isn't even the worst part of this! The worst part, is that you slapped your own son! How could you even hit your own son!?"

Josh covers my ears and His dad covers Josh's ears.

Eventually Nomy storms out of the house and immediately hugs Josh, "you poor thing, are you alright?"

They pick him up and rock them gently, "it's okay... it's okay..."

Josh cries against their shoulder. I've never seen Josh cry before.

"Ssh baby, it's okay. I'm here, I've got you."

Josh's dad goes to the front door, "Beth, why did I hear them say that you hit our son?"

He turns to us, "you lot can go if you want, I'll sort this out."

Josh gets into the car next to me and Nomy gets into the drivers seat.

As we drive away, i begin to feel tired and fall asleep...

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now