Creature Care Academy

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??? POV:

I'm sat in my room, minding my own business and I hear the guards talking a few feet away.

"Hey Kian, you hear what they're planning on bringing in here?"
"No, what?"
"Well you're the last to find out. They want to bring a half breed in here."
"As in, half human, half Night Blood?"
"Are they insane?"
"I think they're going to sell it after."
"Why would they sell it?"
"A lot of money, duh! You know how many people are wanting their hands on a half breed?"
"Why though?"
"A, they're even more gorgeous than regular Night Bloods, B, they're really powerful, and dangerous, C, control one of those and you could destroy the world."
"Yeah. Exactly."

A half breed? Oh, they had better not bunk it with me! I'm the only person with a spare bed!...

Damiens POV

I'm teaching my current class about how to tell the difference between crows, ravens and black birds, when someone walks in, without knocking.

"Excuse me?" They ask, "are you Damien Callas?"
"Can you come with me please?"
"You're suspected of being a half breed. Can you come with me please?"
"What have I done!?"
"Look, we can either do this nicely, where you follow me out, or me and my men are going to have to force you out."
"I'm not going anywhere, I've never hurt anyone! I don't see the need for this!"
"The hard way then."
"Not in front of my students, you piece of shit!"

He grabs my arm and two others enter the room.

The first guy hits me in the stomach and I double over and stumble back.

He brings his arm back over his head to hit me.


He hits me anyway and I cower away from him.

He and the others grab me and drag me out, as I click and scream, "I DIDNT DO ANYTHING!! I DIDNT DO ANYTHING!!! LET ME GO!!!"

Karl walks towards us, "what's going on?"
"We're taking this half breed into custody."
"They haven't done anything."
"Yes, and we need to make sure that they don't."
"But that's not very nice, is it? They look like they're in pain!"
"They're fine. We're going now."

I look at Karl, "c-can you call Kes please? O-or get Drake t-to tell him?"
"Of course. Good luck."
"Thank you."

The men drag me off...

I'm thrown into a room and one of them kicks my side. They then leave and I sit up.

I get out my phone and call kes.

"Damien!? What the fucks going on? Drake Just told me That he was told to tell me that you've been told that you need to be taken into custody and made sure that you don't become a threat!"
"Y-yeah, I don't know, this has never been an issue before now."
"I thought everyone knew you were a half breed."
"Everyone did! People are constantly leaving compliments about it on my Instagram posts! They think I'm awesome!"
"I'll try to sort this out, okay?"
"Okay, I love you."
"I love you too."

He hangs up and someone says, "you new here?"

I turn to see a guy wearing sunglasses, and a bandana over greeny blue dreadlocks.

He looks at me, "wow, there isss no window into YOUR sssoul, your eyesss are locked up like a high sssecurity cell in a high sssecurity prison on a high sssecurity island. Like Alcatraz!"
"There wasss a point to thissss."

He takes off his bandana and and sunglasses, looks me directly in the eyes with his snakey blue green iridescent eyes.

"I- I don't... why are you staring at me?"

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now