I need a new therapist

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I'm sat in the staff room when someone approaches me.

Callie... great...

"Hey Hot stuff."
"Hi Callie..."
"How you doing?"
"I'm.... Im Fine..."

My phone rings and I excuse myself.

"Hello, Mx Callas?"
"Hello, Who's this?"
"I'm Lillie from the interview show, deep stuff. I'm the interviewer."
"I heard you were in the CCA for a while."
"Who t-told you that?"
"Your therapist? Said it might make for an interesting story."
"How much did he tell you!?"
"Only that you were in there. Nothing else, I swear!"
"That was supposed to confidential!"
"Sorry, not my fault. Do you want to come and do the interview? It might help if you talk about it."
"Just give it a chance."

I didn't actually want to do it.

But they pushed me on and I sat down, and kept looking at the floor.

"Hey Mx Callas, can I call you that?"

I shrug, "not bothered..."
"You seem very... nervous."
"I- I don't know why I agree... agreed to this..."
"Cause it might help you. I'm just going to ask you some questions, okay? Answer all that you can honestly, and those you can't, say Pass. Is that okay with you?"

I nod.

"For How long we're you in the CCA?"
"Almost fifty years..."
"We're you treated as kindly as the other creatures, considering you're a half breed?"
"Did they give you food when you asked?"
"Didn't need it but no, not every time..."
Did you make any friends in the CCA?"
"A few."
"What we're the fears that we're used to put you through the fear trials?"
"Okay. What triggered the second lot of trials?"
"When did you and your ex husband get divorced?"
"Soon after the first lot of trials. He'd been cheating on me since before the twins were born."
"Did your ex husband ever hit you?"
"Did he ever hit you?"
"Are you Sure?"
"Be honest. Did he ever hit you?"
"Can you tell me please?"
"Did your ex husband ever hit you?"
"Did he hit you?"
"Did he hit you, Damien Jean?"
"Damien, did Kes ever-"

"I SAID PASS!!!" I shout as loud as I can.

Everyone goes quiet.

"You said I could answer pass to any questions I didn't feel comfortable answering! You then ignored that, by asking me the same question over and over again! This interview is over!"

I get up and begin to walk away when one of the security walks in front of me.

I try to get past and he shoves me back and I cower away.

He then pushes me again and holds me down on the sofa, by my shoulders.

I stay as still as possible.

"Let him go!" Someone shouts.

Lillie continues to try and ask me questions, as people tell them to let me go.

I try to stand but the security officer holds me down.

Lillie keeps going but I can barely hear her or the people over my rising heart beat.

I begin counting to myself and eventually close my eyes and begin trying to breath more calmly.

I'm suddenly pushed and I cry out, horrid memories coming back to me.

I crawl away from the flying punches and scream for whoever it is to stop and then I feel someone's arm around me and I curl up tightly, crying.

When I open my eyes again, I'm back in the studio, exactly where I was pushed.

My father has his arms around me, and... and I feel safe.

I press myself against him and cry.

"It's okay, dear, it's okay... I'm here now... shh....shh...it's alright..."

He picks me up and carries me away....

He sits me down on the sofa and I lie down.

Maurice walks in, "Hey Damien Jean, How did the... interview go..."
"He... he had a panic attack..."

My father crouches down in front of me, "are you okay?"
"I don't know..."

He puts his hand against my cheek and kisses my forehead, "I would have come to collect you if I'd have known..."
"It's not your fault... kes could have told you..."
"Do you still love kes?"
"No." I sneer, "he's a nasty, Conniving, cheating, heart breaking, shattering piece of shit! I despise him!"
"He knew what they were doing to me! He practically left me there to either die or rot! I hate him and I never want to see him ever again!"
"That makes sense. Peters been worrying about you constantly, because you never visited because you couldn't."
"Is be okay?"
"His tics started up again."
"I miss you lot so much..."
"We've missed you too..."

He kisses my forehead, "maybe get some rest..."
"Can you get my sleeping pills, please? Maurice will tell you where they are..."

They go into a bathroom and then my father walks over with the bottle of sleeping pills and a glass of water.

I take two and then lie back down.

Soon enough I begin to feel drowsy.

My father props a cushion under my bed and Maurice lays a few blankets over me after taking my boots off for me.

And they're the last faces I see before I fall into a deep sleee....

I'm out on a walk, still slightly drowsy, because I managed to sleep for ten hours. Straight. No disturbances.

Maurice is very proud of me!

"Hey, spare any change?"

I look to see a guy in probably his mid to late teens, leaning against a wall in an oversized hoodie.

I get out my wallet and give him $200.

He looks surprised, "thanks..."

I smile, nod and begin walking away.

I hear someone following after me.

It's the kid again, "are you following me?"
"May I ask why?"
"Wondering if maybe I could stay the night at yours."
"I'll promise to behave! Look, I just... I just want to sleep in a bed for once. I've been on the streets since I was a kid. And I've been running from the CCA too..."
"What are you?"
"I'm... a half breed... its why my mother abandoned me... you-you can't tell anyone! Please!"
"I won't, i promise. You have to trust me on this."
"How do I know I can?"
"Because I was in the CCA for almost fifty years because I'm a half breed too. And they tortured me."

He looks terrified.

"I'm sorry, Kid. Of course you can stay. For as long as you like."

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now