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It's after hours, and pretty much everyone else has gone home, but I'm still trying to get out of my clothes, and change back into the dress.

I was literally given a corset and a padded bra to make my body more feminine and more busty and it is really really hard to breathe in. Can they not give me a comfier corset?

I finally manage to get the shirt off and unfasten the bra, "god, that was a workout!"

I then get the trousers off.

I can't reach the corset strings.

Someone puts there hands against the back of the corset, and unties it for me and I take in so much air when it's off, "my gods! I can breathe!"

I turn to see the director, "oh... hello..."

I pick up my dress and start slipping it on, but it seems to have caught on something.

I reach back and it's his finger.

"W-what are you doing, can you let go please?"

His hands slip around my waist and he holds me against him.

"Sir, please-"

He pulls my dress back down and I try to pull it back up.

He puts his hand down the front of my boxers and squeezes, hard.

I wince And let go of the dress.

"Good girl..." he purrs.

I let the dress fall, and manages to get my boxers down, still holding onto me.

He then let's go, and I hear him unbuckle his belt, and I hear his trousers fall.

He pins me to the wall, "any objections?"
"I don't-"

He grabs me again, "any objections?"

I don't say anything.

"None? Good..."

He pushes into me, quickly and I whimper slightly.

He lets go of my dick, at least, and has me pressed against the wall.

He's quick, and violent.

"Sir, please.... S...Stop..."

He shoves Into me harder, "I'll stop when I want to, Princess."

He slows down slightly, more gentle, but he thrusts harder.

A small moan escapes my lips.

"Enjoying it now, are we?"

I don't reply.

He chuckles and thrusts harder and more painfully and I cry out, "stop, you're hurting me!!"
"Shut it, Princess!"
"Just Stop!"

He grabs my dick again and squeezes and I whimper In pain, "if you want me to stop, you'll do as I say. Understood?"

I hesitantly nod and he lets go.

Eventually he pulls out, I'm in so much pain, I want to fall to the floor.

I do and he stands in front of me, his member mere inches from my face.

"Open wide..." he grins creepily, "I wanna see if you have a gag reflex..."

I really don't know and I really really don't want to find out.

He kicks my stomach and I cry out. But he shuts me up.

Guess I don't have a gag reflex.

I taste something salty in the back of my throat and manage to pull my hand away.

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now