A pain like freezing in ice

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I wake up.

Well, I don't wake up.

I just open my eyes.

For the past few nights I've been having trouble sleeping.

There's something in the back of my mind trying to say something, but I don't want it there. Because it's giving me a headache and driving me insane.

Kes rolls over, his face pressing up against my arm. I check the time, and groan.

It's only half three in the bloody morning. It feels like I've been tossing and turning for way longer than just four and a half hours.

I sit up, accidentally disrupting Kes' sleep.

"Oh, sorry dear, I didn't mean to wake you."
"It's almost four in the morning... how are you still awake?"
"I can't sleep. I'm going for a walk."

He goes back to sleep and I get dressed....

There's more people walking about than I'd expect. Even a camera crew interviewing a baker.

I suddenly stop in the middle of the square due to a sharp stabbing pain in the back of my head.

I put my fingers to the pain. There's no blood, just pain.

And then I can hear a loud voice over my thoughts, I just can't make out what it's saying.

A cold feeling spreads through my entire body and I'm now in agony.

Worst of all in my ankle and I fall the the floor, calling out in anguish. The voice was louder.

I was too in pain to pay attention to what it was saying. All I know is, I want it gone, and I want the pain to stop. It's hurting my head now, giving me a headache all over.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!" I scream.

Several people give odd looks as i curl up and grab the sides of my head.

I hear voices all around me, and I just want it to stop. The pain won't go away. The voices won't go away. I feel like my head is going to explode.

"SHUT UP!!!!" I shout to the voices, "SHUT UP, GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!"

The cold feeling spreads through my body once again, colder this time.

I start crying as the pain is even worse.

Everything is too loud.

And then I black out...

Kes' POV:

I can't shake this feeling that something is wrong. I go to Tonis room, "are you okay?"

I go back to my room, pick up my phone and call Damien.

They don't pick up. I find their location on my phone.

"Hey Toni!?"
"You want to come with me to find Nomy?"

We get to Damiens location.

They look around the square. There a camera crew near to the side, switching between a baker and Damien. Damien doesn't seem interested though.

I walk up to them and Toni keeps ahold of my hand, "Damien?"

They turn around. Their eyes are blood red.

"Why are your eyes like that?"
"Hello, Luke."

Why is their accent British and posh?
Why did they call me Luke!?

That shocks me, "you never call me Luke."
"Correction. Damien never calls you Luke."
"Damien, you're confusing me. Don't start playing about."
"I'm not. Damien is still here, his mind just isn't conscious anymore. I, on the other hand, am Louis. I'm a Demon, possessing your sweet little Damiens Body."

He snaps his fingers and the binding chains disappear.

"Why are you possessing them?"
"Because why not? They're powerful, strong, and incredibly gorgeous. What demon wouldn't want to posses Them? Anyway, you're their husband, aren't you?"
"Well, you're going to have to deal with me for a little while."

He looks at Toni, "What's the small thing?"
"Toni? He is me and Damiens son..."
"How cute."
"What... what do I call you?"

They growl, "I've said my name already! My name is Louis!"

"Y-you aren't Nomy..." Toni says, looking at the floor.

"No, I'm not."

Louis picks up Toni under the armpits, "why are you so small?"

"He's a dwarf night blood..."
"So he's just as tall as a human child his age then."
"Interesting. Take the small thing, we're going home."....

I sit at the kitchen table, not wanting to look at the stranger across from me.

The news is playing on the tv in the living room.

No one is watching it, but it's background noise. It's talking about how Damien Jean has been possessed.

"Can I speak to Dami-"
"But I-"
"No. Be quiet."

I look at the table, "I'm... I'm going to bed..."

I get up and go upstairs.

As I'm undressing, someone puts their arms around my waist, "Damien is so very lucky to be married to you..."

I don't say anything.

He kisses the back of my neck and breathes deeply. I feel his breath against my neck, cold like ice.

"You remind me of Winter... and no... not the season..."

He hugs my waist, "my dear husband... who died... saving my life... he looked like you... only... he wasn't as shy when I touched him or complimented him... you smell like him too..."
"I...I'm not him."
"I know... and I'm not Damien..."

He kisses my neck again, "But we're the next best things to the ones we love..."

He slips his hand down the front of my jeans.

I then let out a little gasp as he puts his hand down my boxers.

He then pins me to the wall and unbuckles my belt.

"Louis, please-"

He puts his hand around my throat, "I'm sorry, were you going to say something?"

I shake my head.

"That's what I thought..."...

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now