Stuffs going great

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I'm sat with baby Catarina, and she's staring up and giggling at me as I blow raspberries and make stupid faces.

She's a whole year old now!

Hazel has started being less angry at me, but spends less time with me or kes. She prefers hanging out with her friends. Lucy and his band, Winged little Demons, got a gig at his school! He and his band are awesome!

Kes has been super affectionate and hasn't hurt me since that day. Which is nice, and he doesn't bring it up which is also nice because I don't want to be reminded of it.

Catarina is a vampire, like Josh, because it turns out he's a vampire! Which I didn't know! But he wears this charm thing to stop him from burning in the sun. As does Catarina. And they hired a surrogate. (Do you hire those? Is that how it works?)

I'm also a professor now! At a University! I need to leave in an hour to get there, so I still have a little time to get ready. I should probably start getting ready soon, I do take a while to get ready.

"Toni Darling, as much as I love Catarina, I need to get ready for work."

Toni takes her from my arms and I go upstairs to change.

I put on a black jumper over a dark grey shirt with the sleeves rolled up half way, black skinny jeans and formal shoes. My socks are black too.

And I also get my reading glasses.

And then do my makeup, and sort my hair, get my watch and some earrings and notice a bite marek on my neck.

I sigh, "kes!?"
"Why is there a bite mark on my neck!?"

He doesn't answer. I was wondering why it felt like he was biting my neck last night when we were... um... having a sleepover.

It turns out he WAS biting my neck.

Oh well, whatever. I don't have a problem with it.

When i know im ready, I go outside and notice a new car and gasp.

I look at the gift tag on the window,


Know it's not your birthday yet, but thought I might give you your present early! I know how you don't like people knowing your birthday Because you don't like loud places, so I just thought people would be less likely to find out what your birthday is, if I gave it to you on a totally random day!

Enjoy your new car, Hun!

Love, Dad~

Ps. Keys are in your flower pot.'

I call up my dad real quick, "hi!"
"Hey! Get my gift?"
"Yes! Yes yes yes I love it!! I'm going to have to be really quick cause I actually have to get to work, but I love you, and thank you so much!"
"No problem! Love you, bye!"
"Bye, love you!"
"Love you too!"
"Love you too, bye!"
"Bye Now! Im Hanging up!"
"Okay, bye!"

I hang up and grab the keys from the flower pot, remove the bow and the open the door.

It's not even nearly my birthday, it's after it. So he's being really inconspicuous about my birthday.

What am I forgetting?

Cane. Shit! I forgot it!

Right as I'm turning around to get it, Kes is walking out with it, "forget something?"
"Oh, you're a life saver!"

He kisses my cheek, "i know. I'll see you when I get back, and if you home later, I'll see you when you get back! Love you!"
"Love you too. Ben knows to check up on the kids every so often doesn't he?"

We go to our separate cars and go to our separate work places...

When I get to the university, some people stare at my car. Maybe because it was a discontinued series of car?

I mean... it's really beautiful and I've always wanted one and my dad has known this forever because we watched supernatural together. Him first when it was first coming out, and then he and I together when it was all aired and I was young.

Those were the only times my father didn't hit me as a child, and they were some of the best memories of my life.

I grab my cane and get out of the car, lock it, and put the keys in my pocket.

I walk into the University and then cross the man who interviewed me.

"Oh, hey!" He says.
"Come along Mr Callas, I'll get you your timetable!"
"Oh, it's not..."

I see a crucifix and something on a board that says something about Jesus loves you and that they aren't celebrating pride month.

I die a little on the inside as I read that they only accept two genders at this University.

"Where you going to say something?"
"...never mind, it's not... important..."

I know I'm pretty much gender fluid, but that still sucks...

We're in a sort of assembly and i am the last new teacher to be introduced.

"And last but not least, Give a warm welcome to Mr Callas! Im sure he will be a great addition to our team, here and GodsWill University."

Oh my- im sorry, GodsWill? Pffft!

I wave, "hello."

They all wave back and say, in unison, and rather creepily, "Welcome Mr Callas."

I wave again, slightly unsettled...

Im in my first class, waiting for my class to actually show up.

In This class I am a creative writing professor.

Seven students file in to the room. Sorry, lecture hall, as I was told to call it.

"Is this it?" I ask.
"Yeah, " someone replies, "where's miss Owen?"
"I don't know."
"Good, I don't care. She was a crap teacher."
"Okay, why are there only seven of you?"
"We're the only kids who wanted a creative writing class."
"That and we're all queer of sorts."

My phone rings, it's kes face Timing me.

"Can you lot keep a secret?"
"This is my husband."

I pick up, "hey baby."
"How's work going?"
"Teaching my first class."

I turn the phone to my seven students, "meet my creative writing lot!"
"Hi you lot!"

They all wave, "hi!"

"They all seem nice!"
"They are so far!"
"Well I'm glad it's going great, hun!"...

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now