I make a new friend.

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I sat in the ER, bored, as the doctors were trying to pump the drugs out of my system.

And THEN something interesting happened.

One of them accidentally cut their finger on something and the blood seeped out of the cut, out of the split in their gloves, and dropped onto a small amount of my own blood that was sitting on my neck.

The red blood sizzled and was soon engulfed by my own.

Now that was weird.

The doctor changes his gloves, "yeah, guys, try not to cut your fingers open like I did! That small puddle of black blood just ate my red blood."

At little girl sticks her head out from under the operating table. She phases through a doctors legs and stops a few feet away from me, "a-are you a ghost?"
"No, I'm just in a Coma. How about you?"
"I'm also In a coma..."
"How did you get in a coma?"
"My mommy poisoned me..."
"Oh, I'm so sorry."
"How are you in a coma?"
"These men forced me into a drug overdose. And I also had a heart attack because of it. So technically, I was also poisoned."

"Uh..." one of the doctors begins, "guys, I think there might be residue in the lungs or something."

"Nah mate, that's my old buddy Cancer! Had that since I was in my... forties? Fifties?"
"How old are you?" The child asks.
"I'm a hundred and sixty five."
"You don't look that old?"
"I'm a half breed night blood! So, I'm old but my body is not. I'm still young and beautiful! Like you!"

She smiles, and climbs onto my lap, "what are they doing?"
"Trying to get rid of the drugs in my body."

One of the doctors opens up my chest and I cover the little girls eyes.

She moves my hand out of the way.

"I sincerely hope they're going to Stich me back up after!"
"Do you have a breathing problem?"
"Occasionally, why?"
"There's white stuff filling about half of that that they just opened."
"Ooh! Shall we take a closer look?"

I pick her up and walk towards the table, looking at my own body.

"I swear to the gods, if they kill me-"
"We'll kill them!"
"Yes! Though I actually can't die and I don't know why I keep forgetting that."
"Oh. We'll kill them anyway."
"Sure we will."

I touch the white cancer with my nail.

My hand phases through it.

"Shit," one of the doctors say, "that's a lot of cancer."
"Yeah, this guys also had cancer for a little over a century. I know, cause I diagnosed him. Of course, then, it was only in one lung, it seems to have spread to the other. And can you see that there? Some of it has started building itself up the side of the lungs and is almost at the trachea."

He gets a scalpel and scrapes away at the cancer, but doesn't remove it and only pushes it down.

"Why don't you get rid of it? It's malignant. Not benign."
"Well... technically it's both? Because, yes, it is moving, but it's not doing much in harming him, so... I'd say it's safe to assume it's fine where it is."
"Won't it kill him?"
"No? He can't die. I know this because I fired his therapist some time ago for telling me information about Damien Jean that should have been private.
Hey, I also prescribed the medication they've been taking since they were a hundred and thirty three! They were diagnosed with cancer when they were fifty two."

That's when it was!

"How is he still alive if he's THAT old?"
"Hey, he's young for a Night Blood! I've been around since Galen was first learning to walk!"

The other doctor looks at him questioningly.

"Right, guys, I think this is going to take a while. Anyone who needs the loo, go now."

The little girl tugs at my shirt, "your name is Damien Jean?"

I nod.

"I'm Amelia. I'm also a night blood."
"Cool, what kind?"
"Pure bred. Can we go see my dad?"
"Of course."

She directs me to her hospital room, and I see her lying in the bed and her father is sat on a chair by her side, holding her hands and reading to her as a stern looking woman stands in the corner.

We walk to the bed and I manage to hold Amelias body's hand.

I feel her let go of my hand, look and she's not there anymore.

She wakes up in her body and her father hugs her tightly.

She then whispers in his ear and he whispers back.

"Daddy?" She asks.
"Yes, my angel?"
"When... when I was in a coma... I was not in my body. I was wondering around the hospital and there was this nice man who was talking to me and could see me. He was in a coma too. Can we go see him?"
"Of course, what was his name?"
"Damien Jean."
"Let's go see your friend then."

I follow them back to the ER where they stand outside.

A doctor walks out, "bill? I thought it was your day off."
"My daughter was in a coma."
"Oh. Well... do you think You could come in and give us a hand?"

"Daddy!" Amelia explains, pointing to me.

And I mean me, not my body.

"Daddy, my friends soul is here!"
"I'm sorry, what?"
"You see ghosts and things don't you? Can't you see him?"

He looks at me and holds his hand out.

I take it.


He's not even a ghost or a soul and I can take his hand.

He smiles and sighs happily, "I guess you were right Amelia."

He looks at me. At my face, "thank you for looking after my daughter. Maybe keep an eye on her for a few more minutes whilst I try to save your life."

I smile, "I'll take good care of her."

Amelia sits down on the bench with a magazine about why you shouldn't smoke.

Bill goes inside and I sit with Amelia.

I can turn the pages when she asks me.

And nobody walking past, questions the little girl and the floating pages.

I look in the ER at myself and Amelia stands up on the bench to look in with me.

They're stitching me up now.

They then use one of those electric things that are supposed to electric start your heart like a car!

I sit up on the operation table and blow a raspberry.

I turn around and look at bill, "oh hey Bill!"

Amelia runs in and climbs up, not minding the blood everywhere.

She hugs me, "we both survived!"

Bill smiles...

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now