Coming out, surgery, and a plan for a minor problem

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After a few weeks, the dresses idea went huge. People sent in their sizes and ideal dresses and I delivered in time.

Even men ordered dresses.

Piper seemed to get slightly more upset every day.

I find him in his bathroom, crying.

I sit in front of him and take his hands in mine.

I notice that his wrists are bleeding.

I grab some medical wipes and bandages and clean up his wrists.

*piper, what's wrong?*

"I... I just... it's this."

He gestures at his body, "this is what's wrong!"

*your body?*


*i don't understand.*

"This isn't the right body for me, okay!? I- I was born with the wrong one! It is uncomfortable walking around in this!"

*are you Trans?*

"I... your... your okay with that... right?"

I roll my eyes, *have you met me? Of course I'm okay with it.*

She hugs me, "I love you so much..."

When she stops hugging me she says, "just... just don't tell dad... okay? I want to tell him myself."

*why don't you tell the group chat?*

"That... that's actually a good idea."

She picks up her phone.

I go onto the group chat:

Piper🌱: guys

Mother🌸: Hello dear

Father🌧: hi!

Peter🍬: what's up

Pietro🥓: the smoke from the bacon I'm cooking

Peter🍬: of course you're cooking bacon

Pietro🥓: what? It's delicious. Like me 😌💅

Mara🍁: Hello Piper 👋

Piper🌱: Hello auntie Mara

Eddie🍋: Hello!

Pietro🥓: no one gonna say anything about that. Okay~

Atlas🫐: hi guys

Joe🩸: Hello

Piper🌱: Father you have a daughter

Atlas🫐: omg! :D

Father🌧: inn are you pregnant?

Mother🌸: no I'm not

Father🌧: oh. I'm confused

Pietro🥓: sis yasss. So proud 🥺💅

Peter🍬: you Go Piperrrr!!

Father🌧: Wait what am I missing


Father🌧: ooh wait! I know what that means! I do I swear, I saw it in a magazine. Let me try to remember it.

Atlas🫐: I'm so proud of you

Mother🌸: 🫂🫂🫂

Me💛: :)

Father🌧:😱 omg!

Piper🌱: 👉👈

Father🌧: 🥺🫂my baby girl!!!

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now