Hook ups and excitement

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Sean presses himself up against me, and his lips against mine.

He tastes of vanilla ice cream...

He rubs his hand up and down my side and I put my arms around him, pulling his shirt off.

We get completely undressed and he pulls me over to his bed.

His sweet moans give me pleasure as we... 'play' together...

When we eventually calm down, he's kissing me and exploring my body and running his fingers down my chest, and tracing the tattoo of cracks and broken shards on my chest, above my heart.

He chokes me playfully and I bite my lower lip, smiling.

His thumb gently brushes my lower lip, and he kisses me, entwining our souls once more...

He was just one of the men I hooked up with. I had sex with any of the men, when ever. And none of them minded that I was sleeping with other guys as well as them.

After a few months, my threat level is down to sixty six.

It's going down slowly but surely.

I'm sat with Maurice in our little jungle that I have also been contributing to.

there is fifty empty floors between us and the snakes/serpents department.

Maurice smiles, "so how are things going?"
"I... hook up with men from time to time. I think there's about six or seven different guys, and none of them mind when I fuck anyone else in the little hook up web."
"So no serious relationships?"
"Not at the Moment, no."
"Okay. Planning on it?"
"Maybe at some point, but not at this current time."
"Oh. Okay then."

I scroll through missed messages from the seven guys.

I put them into a group chat together,

Me: what would you all say if at some point, not now, but at some, I decided to start a serious relationship with someone?

Sean: well... you only hook up with me, so not me lol

Me: obviously not any of you unless I actually start loving you for you and not just sex

Jamie: makes sense lol

Sam: we Just your little hoes 😌💅

Ty: ye bitch❤️

Adam: let's all agree on with thing, Damien Jean is AMAZING in the bedroom

Ty: yessss it's literally... it's hard to explain. It's literally the best feeling ever like... like... it's WAAAAAAAYYY better than drugs

Ken: for real 💅

Chad: Ugh, yes 😩

Adam: how do you even describe that feeling it's just too good to even explain

Me: I'm honoured you all think I'm the best at sex💅

Ty: yessss we love you, bitch!❤️

Me: love you lot too, my little hoes💅❤️

Adam: damn right we your little hoes 💅

*sam changed the group chat name too 'Little Hoes💅'*

Ty: guys, even after Damien is in a serious relationship, we gotta have his back. And if that person you start dating is gonna be a bitch we ain't havin it.

Adam: yeah, we gonna rain down on him or them like an acid rain of hoes.

Me: you're all so kind 🥺💅

Sean: exactly bitch, we're gonna look after you when you start getting serious with someone, that's how much we love you 🙄💅

Me: I love you lot, but I need to go now, cause I need to speak with my case worker. Love you all!✌️

I look up at Maurice after turning my phone off.

He smiles.

I love how he's so patient with me.

"How do you manage to be so patient with all of my bull shit?"
"I spent centuries, alone on this room. I barely emerged for the fear that, If a half breed did eventually arrive, I'd be late to welcome them to the Half breed Night Blood department. I am patient with you because you are the first friend I have had in a long time, other than my ex."

I smile, "well thank you for being patient. It means a lot."...

I didn't realise how much I enjoyed spending time with him, until it got to the point that I would start heading down early enough that I would meet Maurice just as he was leaving his room on the positive twentieth floor. Me and Ethan room is on the seventieth floor.

And then, on the way down, to the minus 103rd floor, we'd just chat about regular things, and we'd get to the desk and we'd start talking about my threat levels and things like that...

"Damien, I'm so proud of you! You're at twenty one percent!!!"

He hugs me tightly, "I am so proud!! Now! We just have to sustain that level for a month at the least!"

He grins happily and claps excitedly, let's out a little gasp, does a little hope and then hugs me again.

He is so fucking cute!!

I kiss his strawberry blonde curly locks and hug him back.

He makes an excited noice, muffled by my chest, and wraps his wings around me.

I 'get out' my wings and wrap them around the both of us.

"What are we celebrating?" Someone asks.

It's one of the moderators.

Maurice jumps excitedly and runs over to him, "Damien Jeans threat level is at Twenty one percent!"
"Wow, that's impressive."
"I know!!"
"Now he just needs to keep it around that percentage for at least a month. No more than twenty three or he will have to try and sustain THAT percentage for a new month."
"If you go under twenty one that's fine."

He looks at me, "congratulations. I didn't think you had it in you."

I smile, "well, I did."
"And I'm proud of you for it."

He nods his head and leaves and Maurice squeals, "ah!!! I'm so excited I could just scream!!"

He runs up to me and waves his hands, all giddy.

"Well," I begin, "let's scream together, shall we?"
"Yes!! Let's!!"

We scream as loud as we can and then end up in a fit of laughter. Me, more so. Maurice is giggling.

He's so bubbly and innocent and pure. I don't know what I'd do if someone hurt him.

My threat level would go over twenty three percent, that's what!...

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now