Dinner date

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I got a letter from my mother saying that she was looking after my house, and so I sent her a reply back, telling her that I was safe and in New York, and thanking her for looking after my home.

I also had to complete so many orders late, because I didn't realise up until a few weeks prior to now, that I had a lot of orders and so I Chad to reply and tell them all I would get them done as soon as possible and I finally finished the last one an hour ago. And now I'm checking through my list, ticking them off and then I take them all to a postal office and have them shipped off.

When I get back to my studio, I sit at a desk and lean my head on it and fall asleep...

I'm woken up by Loui, the man who first got me out of that reading room.

"Hey there sleepy head!"
"You been overworkin' yourself?"
"No no no... just... completing orders..."
"How many?"
"Um... a hundred and something..."
"In How much time?"
"Few weeks?"
"Jesus. Anyway, I have someone for ya to meet!"

He stands me up and we walk to another room.

Loui knocks on the door and a male answers.

"Oh, hey dad."

He looks at me, "you must be Damien Jean. I've heard a lot about you."
"You have?"
"Yeah. From dad, some of the guys, the news, Instagram, stuff like that."
"That Series you're in by the way? So cool."
"Thank you. So, your father has told you a lot about me, Hmm?"
"Oh yeah."
"What sort of things has he said?"
"That you-"

"Ah ah ah!" Loui interrupts, "no!"

His cheeks are bright pink.

I punch his arm lightly, "you're adorable."

Louis folds his arms and purses his lips like an angry little baby.

I chuckle, "don't worry, we're only messing with you!"

"I-I'm just goin' to.... To... uh..." his cheeks are getting redder and redder, "go that way!"

He points to a random direction and runs off that way...

I'm sat in my studio when Loui walks in, "I have a question."
"Don't... don't ya have anyone to go back home to? Like a boyfriend or girlfriend or somethin'?"
"Not anymore, no."
"Oh, what happened?"
"Well, he's a vampire, and so I was basically his blood bag and I loved him so much and I thought he loved me. It was a wonderful relationship and it turns out he was just using me and he admitted to it."
"Yeah... and that was like the hundredth time I've had my heart broken. A lot of my relationships I don't really mention... to anyone. Because they were just so... toxic and abusive. So most people don't realise I've been in THAT many relationships."

I laugh, "I'm two hundred and forty three years old, and not once have I ever felt truly happy with anyone I've ever loved. I don't know if I want to be in love again... I don't want to risk my heart being shattered again..."

Loui looks at me, "so... you've given up on love?"
"I guess I have."
"Are you okay?"
"I have to go check up on Avery..."

He leaves my studio.

He seems upset..

Did I do something wrong?...

I'm laying on the floor outside, and looking up at my studio window.

Which is wide open.

Because I jumped out of it.

"Damien Jean?"
"Oh, hey kid."

Avery sits next to me, "why are you on the floor?"
"I jumped out of the window. And I haven't had any of my medication since I got here because it's all back in my house and I have no idea what to do because... because I can't think straight."
"Okay. Why don't you just teleport them here?"
"Why didn't I think of that?"
"You can't think straight."
"Good Point."

I wave my hand and the medication falls on me, as well as my chart for when I have to take it.

"Jesus, DJ, are you okay?"
"I'm fine. When's Monday?"
"I'll start tomorrow then."

I sit up, pick up my medication and chart, and head to my room and shove them all in the bathroom cabinet.

I then sit down on my bed and meditate. I've been doing a lot of that recently.

Loui walks in, "I know ya said no relationships and stuff. But. I did a thing."

I keep my eyes closed, "what was it that you did?"
"I cleared my schedule for tonight, so we could maybe have dinner. If your up for it."
"Great! Cause I know this really fancy restaurant that does the BEST egg fried rice!"
"God, I remember when my father used to cook us egg fried rice. Night bloods don't need to eat, but everyone wanted to eat when my father was the one cooking."
"Cool! So yeah, they give ya these big ass bowls of egg fried rice and it's so good. I'll come get ya at seven!"
"Not a minute later."
"Got it!"

The door closes and I continue to meditate.

When I stop, I open my eyes and sigh.

I then read a book and take a shower.

When it gets to six, I start deciding on what to wear.

I find that silky translucent shirt again, and some tight black jeans and a belt and knee high black boots.

I then sit at the mirror and redo my makeup and hair and find a pair of sunglasses and cute little cross earrings.

Loui knocks on my room door at five to seven and I answer, "hello."
"Hey! Ready for dinner?"

He's wearing a really nice suit and has done his makeup a little.

"Should I have dressed a bit more formal?"
"No, it's fine! Ya look great!"
"Thank you. You look quite good yourself."

Loui smiles and we head out...

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now