Eight reasons why my Father is awesome.

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Someone grabs my wrist when I reach out of the shower for my towel.

I scream and dig my nails into the persons wrist, and then poke my head out of the shower curtain.

It's my supposed 'Uncle'.

"What the actual fuck!?" I yell, ignoring the pain in his face.
"I was saying hi."
"By grabbing my wrist!? You are a perv! Do you realise I am in the shower!?"
"So what am I doing?"
"So what am I?"
"What do you have to be, to be showering?"
"Naked! I! Am! Naked!"

I remove my nails from his wrist and point to the door.

He leaves.

I clean my hand and then pick up my phone and call my father.

"Hey Damien."
"Hello, Can you please explain why my supposed Uncle is in my house and keeps watching me!?"
"He was a spider, and he was in my room last night, and we and Kes where busy!"
"Oh my."
"And then I was in the shower, I went to grab my towel and he grabbed my wrist!! He was apparently just saying hi!!"
"That Sounds like Vespian..."
"My brother... he's... a bit insane..."
"That explains so much... he doesn't seem insane?"
"No, but he is. Trust me."
"He... he's like... a really fragile, delicate but amazing piece of glass work. Of something... peaceful. He is really kind, but he's also been through a lot. He is my oldest brother and so felt most under pressure when our father no longer wanted to be king anymore, because he felt like his mental health and mental stability would get in the way of being a good king."
"That's just a small explanation as to what's wrong with him, their is much more to it."
"I need to go now, but I'll see you later."

He hangs up.

I put my phone down, grab my towel, put it around my waist and then leave the bathroom after turning off the running water.

Vespian is sat on the sofa in the living room.
"Hello Vespian..."
"Why Are you here?"
"I found out Cas had another kid and so I wanted to meet you. Hello."

He looks at his bloody wrist.

"Sorry about That."
"It's fine."
"Why were you watching me and my husband yesterday?"
"I wanted to speak with you but I didn't want to interrupt and so I stayed as a spider and hid behind a cobweb I made."
"So I did try to not watch. I made several layers of web."
"Aspan, Me and my brother's Father said I couldn't come and meet you, but I didn't listen to him and I came anyway."
"I noticed."
"He's going to be mad at me..."
"Hey, if he comes here to have a go at you, I will protect you, okay?"
"Thank you..."

A weird mucky brown cloud of smoke forms in front of us and Ves looks at the floor.

A stern man frowns down at him, "Vespian, I told you not to come here."
"Why not?..."
"Because you know what HE is."

"Aspen is it?" I ask
"I'll call you Ass then. I may go by any and all pronouns, but maybe ask first before assuming."

He frowns and then turns back to Ves, "we are going home."

His eyes dart about the floor, scared, and his fists clenched and unclench over and over.


Ves suddenly grabs my wrist, upset by the shouting.

"Leave him alone!" I exclaim.
"Is he your son?"
"But he is my uncle, so still my family! So leave him alone!"

He slaps me and I cower back against the chair.

I've been hurt too many times to not be scared by this.

"Father!" Someone exclaims.

My father. Thank the gods.

"Leave them alone." He glares at his father, "you even think about hurting or touching my son or brother again and I will not hesitate to fucking kill you." He spits.

Aspen glares at him, "shut up."
"You're Just as Bad a father as i was."

"No," I begin, "no trust me on this, he was a much better father than you. And here's some reasons why. Number one. He only ever hurt me. But he got better. He stopped being such an arse hole and actually tried and succeeded to be a much better father for all of us, not just me. Number two. He has constantly supported all of us in what we wanted or how we felt. Number three. He has never failed to be a father for us unless he was convinced that hurting us was the only way to make us good, disciplined children. He soon gave up on that idea. Number four. He was never bothered by the fact that I was gay, he supported me, and encouraged me and my husband to have a child. Number four. He made all of us feel safe and loved and he protected us at all costs. Yes, he pushed is, but it's because he wanted us to be able to survive. Number five. When he promised the kingdom and the lords and me and the rest of our immediate family that he would dye his hair bright pink, he did not go back on the promise, because he is a good king. And I know from reading plenty of books that you always broke promises. Number six. He dyed his hair bright pink, I mean, come on. That immediately gives him more awesome dad points than you. Number seven. He helped Peter with his tics when he was being bullied because of them, and he struggled to keep still for even a few seconds. Number eight. He's just... he's just awesome. Okay? Reasons why you are a a good dad. There's literally none other than the fact that you and your I assume wife gave birth to my father."

My father looks on the verge of tears.

Aspen glares at me and disappears.

My father hugs me tightly, "I love you so much..."

I press my face against his chest and grab his shirt, "I love you too Father..."

Ves smiles widely and then hugs us both, "I love you guys too!"...

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