Well... okay.

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I'm sat next to Mina.

Dan is sat on a chair across from us in the living room.

She's decided that she wants to tell him.

"Um... dad?"
"So... I need to tell you something..."
"Please don't hate me after this."
"I would never hate you."
"My... boyfriend... got me... *inaudible*"

She looks at the floor.

"I knew that already, I saw the test in the bin."
"And what does your boyfriend think of this?"
"He wants me to get rid of it... and if I don't, he'll break up with me."
"And what do you think?"
"I don't need a boyfriend. I just need you guys."
"We're here for you."
"Do we know what it is?"
"No, not yet. I have secretly been going to the doctors without you knowing."
"By yourself?"
"Amy came with me."
"That's okay then."

Dan smiles, "I'm going to be a grandfather."...

My phone rings, "hey dad."
"Hello DayJay!"
"Yeah! Your new nickname! Or, my new nickname for you. Me and inn where discussing nicknames and she called you button and I called you DayJay."
"Uh huh."
"Isn't it cute?"
"It's adorable."
"Thank you!"
"You're welcome."
"Who was the nice girl who answered the door for me a few weeks back?"
"Mina. She's Dan's Daughter."
"Dan being the nice one you keep texting me about?"
"Are you two together?"

My face heats up, "I'm actually not sure about that? He's affectionate... I just... I can't really tell?"
"Oh. Maybe ask him!"
"Will do. Anyway, how are things back home?"
"Good! Good good good! I- what? Oh yeah, sure! Um, Lu says hi!"
"Hi dad two."
"I'm dad one and he's dad two?"
"That's cute."
"It is."
"Anyway, I have to go, meetings and all, but, I hope you have a great day! I love you!"
"I love you too Dad."
"Love you, bye!"
"Love love!"
"Love love love, bye now."
"Bye, okay im hanging up now."
"Okay, bye."

He hangs up and I chuckle, "crazy bun."

Dan clears his throat, "who's a crazy bun?"
"Oh, just my dad, he's great. Spent about a minute saying bye to each other, I love him so much."
"Wish I had a strong relationship with my dad. He favourites my brother over me."
"I'm sorry about that. But, I may have been telling my dad some good things about you and I think you two would get along greatly."

I put my phone down.

Dan walks up to me, and I put my arms up slightly when he gets closer and put my hands just above his hips.

His hand start at my wrists and travel up my forearms and stop halfway up my upper arms.

He looks the few centimetres up at me, his lips slightly parted, and this... this almost hungry look in his eyes.

He reaches up and kisses me and I pull him closer.

I feel his hand brush against my crotch and I let out a small moan.

He chuckles softly yet seductively, unzips my fly and his hand slips in, his fingers curling around the rim of my boxers.

He undoes the button and I let my jeans fall.

I already wasn't wearing a shirt so now I'm only in my boxers and dog tags.

"Dan..." I begin, chuckling slightly, "we're in the living room."
"Let's go upstairs then."
"Is Mina home?"
"She's doing her lessons in her room."
"We'll have to be sneaky then."

I pick him up and he wraps his arms and legs around me.

We leave the living room and I take us upstairs. Minas door is pulled to and I sneak over to Dan's bedroom door, get it open, go in and kick it shut.

I put Dan down and he undresses and I push him over to the bed, lay him down and kiss him.

He puts his hands down the back of my boxers and pulls them down and I kiss him passionately.

His hand trails down my stomach and he grabs my dick and I can't help but moan, "fuck!"

He's holding me down against him and rolls us over so he's on top now and he presses his lips against mine, the sweet taste of vanilla now mingling on my tongue.

He runs his hands all over me, making me moan and moan and moan.

He kisses my neck, rubbing himself against me and then I get him on his stomach and make him moan as he holds onto the sides of the bed...

I feel something cold against my chest.

I open my eyes.

Dan is still asleep and his breath is cold.

It's always been cold, I just don't know why.


He murmurs something and then I shake him gently.


"Are you okay?" I ask.
"Yeah... why?"
"Your breath is cold..."
"Oh... I'm sure it's fine..."

He snuggles against me, "I love you..."
"Y-you do?"
"I love you too."

He kisses my chest and I smile softly to myself...

I'm in the kitchen and I feel Dan put his head on my shoulder, and put his face against my neck.

"Hello Dan."

The past few weeks he's seemed exhausted, or he has almost no energy.

"Danny, are you alright?"
"Yeah, why?"
"You seem so lethargic all the time."
"What does that mean?"
"Tired, exhausted, sluggish. Have you been sleeping properly?"
"You know I have..."
"Then what's wrong?"
"Nothing, I'm fine..."
"You're practically falling asleep on me! Are you absolutely sure you've been sleeping properly?"
"Day, I'm fine!"

Mina walks in, "is everything okay?"
"Your father is always lethargic and he won't admit that there is clearly something wrong."
"I was going to ask you a question, but it seems a little less important than whatever is happening."
"What's your question?"
"Have you ever met a vampire?"
"Yes! My oldest sons husband is a vampire."
"Yes. He's quite polite, actually. And never bites you without asking."
"Has he ever bitten you?"
"Once, when he was trying not to drink blood because he didn't want to hurt anyone, and he collapsed when we were talking privately about it and when he came to, he just couldn't resist and asked if he could bite me. Of course, before he regained energy, he was quite lethargic and exhausted for quite some time, even though he said he had been getting over eight hours of sleep every night. Why do you ask if I've ever met a vampire before?"

Minas eyes drift to her father, who's trying to hold onto me tightly so he doesn't collapse and fall.

"Dan?" I ask, "is there something you'd like to tell me?"...

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now