I eat Tiny egg fried rice and meet the kindest officer i've ever met.

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We're sat at the table, looking at the menus.

"Uh... I think I'll have the steak with the cheesy chips! You still do that?"
"We do, sir."
"I'll have that, please!"
"Of course, sir."

The waiter turns to me, "and you, madam?"
"Ooh, I've never been called madam before!"
"Oh, did I get something wrong, I sincerely apologise, I-"
"No, it's completely fine! If you want to call me madam, call me madam. I go by all pronouns anyway."

"Of course, madam!" He smiles kindly "now what would you like?"
"I will have... the egg fried rice please."
"Of course madam! Anything to drink, you two?"
"I'll have a glass of wine if you have any, thank you."
"We do. And you, sir?"

"Uh..." Loui Looks at the menu, "champagne."
"Of c-"
"Of course, sir. I will go tell the chefs, and get your drinks. I will leave a bottle of each in case you want to refill."

"Thank you." I say.

He bows and smiles politely, and then walks off.

After a few minutes, he brings over the alcohol, "champagne for the gentleman, and wine for the lovely lady!"

"Thank you, ever so much!"

He pours my wine first, and Loui's champagne after.

After awhile, a waitress brings our food under metal lids.

"Ooh, that's very fancy!" I say.

This waitress rolls her eyes and removes the lids.

Loui got as he asked for, but all I got was half a small grain of rice in a droplet of soy sauce surrounded by five tiny pieces of chive, and a measly crumb of Cooked egg.

"Um... what... what is this?"
"It's the food ya deserve, ya Russian twat."

A few people turn their heads.

I notice that some people have actual plates or bowls filled with egg fried rice and bits of chicken.

I clear my throat, "what did I do to deserve this sort of behaviour?"

"Ya don't belong in this county." The waitress sneers.

The kind waiter walks over, "May I ask what is going on here?"
"This Russian thinks he can just come into our country and expect to eat our food."

I stand, "I have lived in America for longer than you have been alive, young lady!"

The waiter puts a reassuring hand on my arm, "ignore her, she'll be fired shortly. I'll take this away and have the actual meal prepared for you. And I shall pay for it."
"No, you don't have to pay for it, I will."
"Well, I feel it my duty to be as polite as possible to these customers, and do not enjoy when some of the staff are rude, so I shall pay for your meal."
"Is there any arguing with you?"
"No, madam. Please, sit."
"Okay then."

I sit back down and the waiter leads the waitress away.

The teeny tiny egg fried rice is taken away and the actual dish is brought to the table.

Loui and I exchange bites of our foods, and boy, is that steak delicious!

As is the egg fried rice.

By the time we've finished our meals, I'm a bit drunk and they brought me over another bottle when I asked.

Loui has only had two glasses of his champagne!

He keeps telling me jokes and I laugh at them, because, A, they do seem quite funny, but B, I can't really tell wether they are funny or not. But they seem it so I do laugh at them.

And then we decide to leave after everything is payed for, and I take the wine with me, drinking straight from the bottle.

We find and get into his car and I'm in the passenger seat, still drinking.

They gave me another bottle on the way out. :)

I eventually finish both bottle and find myself falling asleep...

I wake up to someone tapping on my shoulder.

I shake awake and put my arms up, "I will hit you!"

I turn to who tapped me, "hello..."
"Uh... hey? I'm officer Stead. I just saw you passed out as the car was passing and couldn't tell wether you were alive or not."
"Nah... I'm good..."
"Are you intoxicated, sir?"

I nod.

"How much have you had to drink?"

I but my thumb and forefinger a centimetre apart and then continue to increase the distance to its limit.

"Three bottles of... wine."
"MmHmm. It was very... very... nice..."
"Okay. Well, now I know that you aren't dead and your friend isn't even tipsy after two glasses of champagne, you guys can head off."

I pay his arm, "you are so kind..."
"Thank you... ma'am or sir or person."
"No problem... I wish more people were like you... you know how many abusive n' shitty relationships I've been in? Lots... I've been heart broken so many times n' the big guy in purgatory, constasnt... croissant... constant... that guy... he said I can't die. N' I can't. I really can't. I tried. I threw myself out a window this morning! I just- I just hit the floor! It hurt, but it didn't break me. I just don't want t' be living, y'know?"
"I wish you... all the best in the future. I hope you eventually find someone perfect for you and loving and kind, and a person that would never wrong you or hurt you. I hope h find true, pure, love."

I begin crying, "you're so kind!

I reach out the car window to hug him and he hugs me.

"You're the bestest friend I've ever had! I love you so much!"

He pays my back, "there there. I love you too."

I pay his back in return, "thank you for that, your so kind. You deserve a promotion. Pass me a pen, I'll write a note to your boss."

He hands me his pen and notepad.

I write a note to whoever his boss is saying that he is the nicest and he should get a promotion because there should be more people like him in the world and he's my new best friend.

It was obviously a bit more in detail, and has my name at the end.

And I wrote it as clearly as possible.

I hand it to officer stead, "can you read that?"
"Yeah, I can."
"Good! Give that to whoever you work for!"
"Thank you. My number is on the back I case you want to continue sorting because you are my new best friend."
"I'm honoured, thank you so much."
"You are so welcome."

I pat his shoulder and he lets us go and we drive off and I fall back to sleep..."

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now