At peace

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I guess I got too hopeful.

I guess I thought it would last.

I thought... I thought that I had finally fell in love again... but...

I got to see little Day born. And he had an unexpected twin sister, so she was called Luna. And Ted and Mina had planned.

Me and Dan are in the kitchen. He's chopping up vegetables. He's been so loving in our relationship. I don't want it to change.

...but he became cold...

It's only been a few weeks since the baby's were born, but Dan seems different.

He's been cold these past few weeks.

The snow had ended months back, and I took my stuff back to my house, but I wanted to stay with Dan and he wanted me to stay with him so I stayed. I became his blood donor as well, basically.

And now I don't know if I want to stay anymore. was like he was almost devoid of emotion...

I clear my throat, "Dan, are you okay?"
"Are you Sure?"
"But you seem-"

He hits the breadboard, "I'm fine."

I will admit it made me jump.

"I don't want you In my house anymore."

He said it so suddenly.

"Wait... what?"
"Did you not hear me? I said that I don't want you in my house anymore. Get out."
"W-what did I do?"

He turns to me, holding the knife, "I just don't want you here anymore!"

"I... I thought you loved me..."
"Well I don't! I never have, and I never will!"

I stand, "Then why did you want me to stay!?"
"Because you were the only person I knew will to Donate your blood to a freak like me!"
"You are not a freak!"
"Oh, don't try to make me feel better, I don't love you!"

He steps closer, "I never loved you! I was just using you! No one would ever love you! You're a worse monster than I am!"
"You Take That back!"
"Why would I take back the truth!? Just get out! I never want to see you ever again!"

I don't know what to do. My emotions are doing cartwheels over and over and I don't know what to do.

I feel the cold blade slice against my arm.


I run out of the kitchen, holding the wound and find my phone and run out of the house.

I turn around and Dan is stood at the door.

"Dan please..."
"Go! I don't need you anymore!"
"Just Stop! Go! Don't come back!"

He goes in and slams the door shut.

I begin walking aimlessly and find myself in a clearing in the woods. When I got here, I don't know.

It's not so much a clearing, but a bridge over a rough river and the bridge was connected to a road but it collapsed on one side.

I scream upwards into a night sky, angry and confused and deeply pained that I've had my heart broken again.

I scream and cry over and over and over and eventually, I shut my eyes tightly, holding onto the railing and cry more.

I sit on the railing, looking down at the water.

I won't die but I want the pain to go away at least for a short while.

He used me. And he admitted it.

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now