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I'm in the staff room, minding my own business, when another teacher walks up to me, "hey there. I'm Callie."
"Hey... Callie... I'm Damien."
"Hey. You, uh... you with anyone?"
"You with anyone? You in a relationship?"
"Uh... yeah..."
"How's your relationship with her?"
"Your girlfriend or wife? She mistreat you?"
"I bet she's a terrible girlfriend."

She strokes her finger down my chest, "I can make you feel better..."

I step back, "I- I'm good."
"You sure, Hun?"

Someone walks in, "Mr Callas! To my office please!"

I slip past Callie and follow Mr Broon to his office.

"You wanted me, sir?"

I sit down and he locks the door and I feel slightly unsettled by this.

I don't have any more lessons on my time table for today yet.

I keep my eyes on the desk, and feel his hand on my shoulder.

"How's it been for you so far?"

I nod.

"Good." He squeezes my shoulder, "that's real good."

Next thing I know I'm pinned against his desk and he is strong.

How does he manage to keep a grip around me, cover my mouth, and unbuckle my belt and pull my jeans down all at the same time?

Oh yeah, and hold my legs together with his legs.


One of these mysterious arms grabs my neck as I scream. Muffled, but I still scream.

He presses me against the desk and he fucking moans. Fucking bitch thinks he can use all of his infinite arms and legs to constrain me and violate my body in ways a regular two armed two legged person wouldn't be able to do.

I dig my nails in to his hips, as they are the only thing in stabbing range and he cries out and let's go of me and I pull my trousers and boxers up and run for the door.

He trips me up and then picks me up at arms length and he is a monster!!

He's got like ten arms and four legs and he's this big black smoky demon thing!

"You're going to die, Damien Jean Callas!" His voice is deep and gruff and... and kinda sexy...

The phone rings.

He picks it up with one of his hands, and in his human voice says, "hello?"
"Hello, Karl! Im back! And I swear to god, if you are trying to eat someone again by the time I get in my office, you will be in big trouble, young man!"
"Okay but just know, I'm not the one who's been putting up all of the Christian shit on the walls. That was Mollie."
"Ugh, I hate her so much!"
"Shall we... fire her?"
"You are NOT eating her!"

He puts the phone down, and looks at me.

"Well this is awkward." He says, in his demonic voice.
"Right? You ever do stuff like that to me again and I will literally kill you."

He unlocks the door and then someone walks in, "hello, Karl! Who's this?"

Karl holds me up proudly, "new teacher!"
"Their name?"
"Damien Jean Callas."
"Did you try to eat them?"
"Of course you did. Put them down."

Karl puts me down and sorts me out. I.e, tucking in my shirt, tying my shoelaces, buckling my belt and then patting my head.

He goes to his human form.

"I," I begin, "am going back to the staffroom. Have a pleasant day!"

I leave the room without waiting to be excused and then and go sit in the staff room and take a nap.

I wake up and it's only me and Callie in the room, and she's at my knees, unbuckling my belt.


I quickly get up and buckle my belt again, and head for the door.

I turn around and she's now a man, just as tall as me.

"Prefer this?"
"Oh, I don't mind."

He pins me to the wall and kisses me, "oh, you're so beautiful..."

I'm almost tempted to give in. Almost! I'm not going to!

I push him away, "can you stop it please!?"
"Maybe, maybe not. You're Just too irresistible!"

He pins himself against me, kissing me and then he touches my neck and I feel a sense of numbness spreading through my body.

I start to feel limp and he holds me up, tapping my neck again, and I fall asleep...

I wake up in the staff room. On the chair. A man I don't recognise is sat next to me, reading a book.

"What... how long have I been asleep?"
"Since you got back from the heads office I think."
"Are you alright?"
"I don't know... is it almost the end of the day?"
"it's some time after the end."
"Oh shit, I need to get home..."
"Would you like me to drive you?"
"I have a car, I can drive myself..."
"Well, when I found you in here, it was after this man left, turned into Callie, and then I came in and found you unconscious on the floor, a little less than dressed."
"I don't have a car, but I can drive."
"Okay, drive me then. You can explain what happened to my husband cause I need some fucking sleep."...

Drake, my new friend, is practically holding me up because My legs are literally so exhausted.

Kes answers the door, "uh... hi?"
"They're exhausted." Drake says, "I don't know how they're this exhausted, but I'll explain a few things whilst they go to bed."

I stumble in and lean against kes, "I'm... imma go to the sofa..."

I stumble clumsily over, drunk with exhaustion.

I lay down and I quickly drift off to sleep...

Someone wakes me in the middle of the night.

"Why Are we whispering now?"
"So we don't wake anyone up."
"What are we doing?"
"I just wanted someone to talk to. I couldn't sleep."
"So you came all the way to L.A just to talk to me?"
"Right, okay."

Dean lifts up his head slightly, and then it flops back down and his little tongue is sticking out. He's asleep on my side, John is on my hip, and Sammy is on my legs. So I can't move. At all. Except maybe my arms.

Ves pets Deans head, and then puts his chin on my arm, and falls asleep.

"Ugh... damn you uncle..."

I pat his head and go back to sleep...

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now