A murderer

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*strong violence and gore warning! Please be cautious before continuing!*

I was on the kitchen floor. The police were on there way.

They weren't aware that i might be dying.

Only that Nate was hurting me.

He poured all of my anti depressants down the kitchen sink.

He cut my arms open for me.

He hung me almost to death for me.

He slit my throat for me.

He banged my head against the mirror for me.

He got my blood everywhere for me.

He put his hands around my throat and squeezed. I could feel his nails digging into my skin.

He punched me harder than ever before and I could taste Metall very strongly in the back of my throat. My blood was on his hands, his spit on my face. He was crushing my chest with his knee pressing into it. I could feel my ribs breaking under his weight.

I tried to grab at his hands choking me, but he grabbed my hand and bent it backwards.

I heard all of the bones on my left hand cracking and the broken, jagged edges tearing my skin.

My black blood was everywhere.

He wants me dead.

He can kill me.

I don't care anymore.

And then he walked in.


And I didn't want to die.

He was holding our son.

And the police filed in after him and  are's fist connected with my face one las-

Kes' POV:

I covered Tonis tearful eyes.

The police got me out of the house.

I can't get it out of my head.

They were in so much pain. I could see it. Their pain filled the room.

I thought about how Their desperate and terrified eyes suddenly froze when the guys fist hit him.

And their arm fell.

They were reaching for me.

But never reached me.

I sat down in the step.

I didn't know wether to cry or to scream.

Or just... sit here. Trying to comfort our child.

An ambulance Switches around the corner after some minutes. And Damiens body was carried out of the house on a stretcher.

They let us come with them to the hospital. And stay in the waiting room for some hours before we were sent home.

And I was questioned.

And I had to clean up the kitchen, and anywhere else that there was blood.

After, I was sat in the bedroom with Toni clinging to me.

I don't think either of us wanted to go to sleep for the fear of seeing that haunting image again.

I lay down with Toni next to me. He tucks his head under my chin.

I comfort him and he begins to cry.

He mumbles something, though I can't understand what he's trying to say because he's had a problem trying to learn to speak properly. We're getting there though, he can say his name. And Dad. And Nomy.

And some other random words.

He grabs at my shirt, clenching and unclenching his little fists.

I put my hand around his, "it's okay little man... we'll get through this together..."...

"They... they weren't always around for Toni... but... they were there when they could be. I understand now that... that they... they were trapped... they had only gone to look for their sister and ended up getting caught up in so much chaos. I... I don't understand why people would hate them. They were one of the kindest, and most generous people I've ever met. But they were also the most broken because nobody seemed to care about how any of their words affected people. I never realised before now, how actually mentally unstable they were, and how shit they felt about themselves. Because of how they were treated, their son is now only going to grow up with one of his parents, so thank you. I hope you're happy."

Toni taps my legs.

"Yes, are you alright?"
"Say some?"
"You want to say something?"

He nods.


Toni waves, "Um... Nomy wus... nice... I mss thm... I do nt wnt thm to be nt alive..."

I pick him up. And he hugs me.

"Well done buddy, you're speakings getting better..."...

"Why do we need to be here?"
"Will reading."
"Ugh. I don't need any of their things they can keep it even if they're dead."

"I'm going to read what it says." The will reader clears his throat, "I don't intend to offend anyone, but I don't want anything giving away. Also, whoever I'm married to in the future, could you maybe buy a cat and call him Dean? I watched this cool show once called supernatural and there was a Dean in it. and look after the place? Wherever that may be? Also, if we have kids, tell them I'm sorry I'm dead. I didn't mean to be. But it's probably for the best, right?"

He looks at us, "you get to look after the place."

"And buy a cat. And call him Dean."

"Okay. I guess you can go."...

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now