Dont mind me, i'll just stay here, in a drug induced coma!:)

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"So what's your name, kid?"
"Stephen. My dealer calls me Steph."
"Your dealer?"
"To be fair, I'm trying to quit. I am... two days clean."
"This is the longest so far."
"Okay. Well done."

He walks into the living room and looks around, "woah."

He sits on the sofa, "this is so comfy..."

I chuckle.

Maurice walks in, "ooh, hello!"
"Hi! I'm Stephen, you can call me Steph!"
"Okay! I'm Maurice! You can call me... Maurice?"
"How about M?"

"I-I'm Damien Jean. If you were wondering."
"One of the kings kids?"
"Cool! Imma call you DJ."

I go into the kitchen to get myself a drink.

"M, your friend is so pretty!"
"He is, isn't he?"
"Yup! *sighs* and way outa my league!"...

I think... I think he lived with us for quite a while. And we'd... "Hang out upstairs" from time to time. Because I trusted him.

He was perfect, yet not.

He had had a drug problem. He slipped up from time to time and he hated himself for it.

He'd come to me in an angry huff and tell me that he ducked up again.

It was getting less frequent, the slip ups.

Eventually, he didn't slip up for years. It was hard for him, he felt so down and withdrawn and the beginning.

Ten years he was clean. And we were all so proud...

Even his Ex Dealer, now the owner of a well known café came to congratulate him and Steph was so proud of himself too.

I had been feeling a bit stiff that night. Slightly in pain, and my lungs were doing the usual thing of, yeah, we ain't gonna work properly today!

Why, that day of all days I had to feel sick.

Steph was only going out to get bread. It was all over the news. These Junkies were following him and the my pinned him against a wall and stuck needles in any vein they could get to and caused him to have an overdose.

And he was brought to hospital and I was called and he died in my arms.

I then wake up in a cold sweat.

Steph murmurs something at my side.

I cling to him tightly, and soon forget all about the horrid dream...

"Ten years today!" Steph shouts.
"Congratulations!" Maurice smiles proudly, and I kiss Steph on the forehead, "well done, my dear."

Maurice goes into the kitchen and then comes back out again, "I was going to make celebration sandwiches, but we've only got two crusts."

"I'll go get bread." I say.

Steph pats my arm, "your a life saver!"

I smile.

I'm saving his life.

I grab my phone and wallet and Maurice asks, "did you take your
medication today?"
"I... can't remember? I don't think so."

He goes into the bathroom and brings out to of the happy pills, and because it's Thursday, two anti depressants.

I take them in one and then head out.

On my way, I decide to check if I brought the right wallet.

If I only need to buy a few thing, I'll bring the wallet without the cards, and that wallet will be hidden where only find it. It's not that I don't trust Maurice and Steph, it's just in case of, if someone breaks in, they'll never be able to find my wallet with my cards in, because most people who come I to my house don't realise there's an attic.

I have the "spare change" wallet with me, that's good.

I also do the same with phones, and have contacts on both, but my back up phone only has the contacts and a few mini games to pass the time.

I've got twenty dollars and thirty three cents in my wallet with me and an extra hundred In my phone case.

Once they're back in my pockets, I continue walking and someone grabs my arm and I feel myself hit a wall.

I curl my fists and turn to whoever grabbed me.

There's a group of men. They seem familiar...

But also this Is a really expensive blazer. I should not have worn it out. Did I forget my cane? I SO could have used that for Defense!

One of them tries to land a punch and I dodge, taking off my blazer and poof it back home. Learning to do basic magic whilst wearing binding chains actually came in handy. Wow.

"Looks like he's ready to fight dirty!" One says.

I roll up my sleeves and punch one right in the stomach and he groans and falls over.

Another sticks something and I pull it out. A syringe??

Oh wait... these are the men for my dream.

I fight them and they fight me and whatever was in that needle starts to kick in and I become more loopy, missing punches and almost falling over as they jab more needles wherever they can get to, without being attacked by my floppy arms.

I feel so loopy, I fall and hold my self up against one of the men. A sharp horrid pain appears in my chest and I grab the guy's shirt, curling my fists.

I can feel sweat dripping down my face as my heart starts racing.

I fall to the floor, the world spinning around me.

I throw up, my vomit a mix of Frey black and... and gold? And blue! What have I been eating...

All I can hear is my heart thumping so fast, I might have a heart attack.

I feel like someone's squeezing my chest tightly, I can hardly breathe.

I'm wheezing, my heads spinning, the pain is spreading through my chest and back and head and now my head is pounding too.

I throw up again and then roll onto my back and everything fades to white and then black...

I wake up in my thoughtscape.

"I'm still able to think, so I can't be dead. Can I? Heh, I remember coming to this place in the real world! Those were some bad years..."

I think of home and suddenly I'm there. In my fathers castle.


I see my mother and sit next to her.

Oh hey, her and Mara are playing chess!

"Hello Mother." I try, to see if she can hear me, "Auntie Mara?"

Neither of them turn to me.

"Guess you guys can't hear me?"

I cover my mother's eyes and she bends down of her seat, her head moving through my hand, to move a piece.

I move my hand away.

And I think of where my body is.

I'm in a hospital room.

"Your boyfriend, sir, Is in a drug induced coma. The men responsible for for this have been arrested as police were surveying footage from a camera pointing to the alleyway where you're boyfriend was forcefully overdosed. However, they didn't get there in time, and that is why your boyfriend is here, in a drug induced coma."

He takes a deep breath, "any questions?"...

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now