Wisdom teeth removal

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I wake up, and the officer is sat, asleep, on a chair at the other end of the room.

A doctor walks in, waking him up, "Good morning!"
"Oh, shi- uh... hi!" Tyne officer says, rubbing his eyes and sitting up straight."
"So Damien Jean!"

"We've noticed that you've not yet had your wisdom teeth removed."
"So we've booked you for an appointment later today."
"Right. Okay. When?"
"Few hours. We'll come wake you up when it's time."
"Can I have some clothes, please?"
"Of course! Your neighbour Ben brought you some!"
"He's such a nice neighbour..."
"Yes! You can go back to sleep now!"

I nod and lay my head back down.

The doctor then leaves, and I drift off back to sleep...

I'm lightly shaken and I glare slightly at the doctor looking down at me.
"Your appointment is in half an hour, get dressed please? Your clothes are on the end of the bed."
"Right, okay..."
"I'll come back in twenty minutes."

He leaves.

I sigh, "I hate the hospital..."

The officer steps out of the room, and I change, still slightly aching.

"What your name?" I say to the officer when he walks back in.
"And you?"
"Damien Jean."

I notice my boots are on the floor by the foot of the bed, "aw, yes! My favourite boots, these!"

I sit on the edge of the bed and put them on.

"You from Russia?"
"No, what ever made you think that?" I laugh, jokingly.
"Oh, ha ha!"
"Yes, I am from Russia. As Most Night Bloods Are."
"Makes sense."

The doctor walks in again, soon after, "ready?"
"Haven't had any coffee yet, but yeah."

"I'll get coffee! For after the thing." Steve says.

We all walk through the halls until I'm brought into an office.

I've only ever had to go to the dentist for check ups and nothing else because my teeth are perfect.

The dentist smiles at me, "hi!"

I'm laid down, no questions asked...

Do all dentists film their patients after wisdom teeth removal?

God, I feel so loopy...

"I... Mm.... My back hurts... so does everything..."

I flop my arms and then... fuck, what's his name?

"You... are... how... my... I want my dad..."
"You want your dad?"

I look at the cop guy, "are... are you m...my dad?"
"I see you as a son? Does that count?"
"I have a dad..."

I chuckle, "I've got sooooo many dads..."

Then two more people enter.

"Damien Jean?"

He chuckles.

"Are you my dad.... Too?"
"That guys my dad too... and you!" I say, pointing to dad one then dad three.

Dad two smiles and shakes his head, "you had your wisdom teeth removed?"
"I... I had what..."

"Poor things confused!" The nurse says.

"My everything hurts..."
"You were raped yesterday, maybe that's why."
"I was... what? Wha happened to me?"
"You were raped."
"What does that mean?"
"Some forced you to have sex with them, even though you didn't consent."
"I didn't... consent?"
"No, you didn't."

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now