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Two weeks later, Maurice tells me my location was sent to Kes.

Ethan and Kaceys wedding is in a hour, so we hang out for a bit before heading up. On the Invite, it says you can bring a plus one so Maurice is my plus one.

The usher looks at me, frowns, and checks the list, "third row, left side, fifth seat," and he basically spits this last part, "don't cause any trouble, half breed."

Me and Maurice quickly go and sit down and I hear several whispers about me.

"What's HE doing here?"
"God knows."
"They should get rid of him already."

I drown out the negative comments, and Maurice smiles, "ignore them. They're just Jealous of how awesome you are!"

I smile weakly...

I'm sat in a little seating area, and these guys are shouting things at me. I can't tell wether they're complimenting me or cat calling me. Or making fun of me. But either way I still feel like shit.

And I'm just trying to read a god damn book.

One of them Wolf whistles, "hey hot stuff! Can we get your number?"
"Hey! Pretty boy! You free tonight? Looking good!"
"You work out much?"
"You got anyone? Or can I take you to my place later?"

I ignore them, and turn away from them.

I'm literally just wearing a black shirt, waist coat, and black jeans with the shirt sleeves rolled up. I'm also wearing a black tie that's very slightly sparkly gold. Because the only thing that I'm not had a go at for, is going clothes shopping. Literally everyone was so nice when I went shopping for clothes, I wish I was in there for ever.

Someone grabs my arm, and I look up to see a guard, "hey, you good?"
"Those men are cat calling you."
"I-I know... I tried to ignore it..."
"Well I suggest you move away from them, I know those lads, they can get pretty rowdy."

He squeezes my arm reassuringly and then walks away.

I get up and sit somewhere else, where hopefully, if they attempt to cat call me again, people will notice and tell them off or something.

Because I know it has nothing to do with the way I am dressed.

They all come over and sit in the same table as me and I hide behind the book.

They snatch it off of me, "what you reading?"

"Any o' you boysss wanna get ssstoned?" A familiar voice says behind me. Ethan.

I know it's him, because. A, his s' Are elongated, and he has a slight lisp at the same time and it's kind of adorable.

A lisping snake dude. Who wouldn't find that cute?

I turn to him and he smiles, "sssup dude?"
"I'm... okay..."

He turns to the guys, "ssso. You guysss wanna get ssstoned or what?"

They look at him, "what?"
"I'm a Gorgon, if you couldn't tell already."

They all get up and leave and Ethan gives me a fist bump.

He then says, "right, imma go meet Kacey, bye!"

He wanders off and I pick up the book. I can't even read it because it's in English. At least the survey let you change the language setting, books don't. And a lot of them look interesting.

And I can't read them.

I put the book back where I found it and check the time. Six am. I should probably start heading down to Maurice.

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now