Im a "villain"

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I'm sat in a different room. Apparently I'm not allowed to watch them filming. I don't know why.

Is this a bedroom set? I wonder how sturdy the bed is!

I go and sit on it.

Someone walks in, and I feel a little disappointed that it isn't Erick.

"Why do you Look disappointed?"
"Thought Maybe you'd be someone else."

He sits on the edge of the bed and looks at me, "I don't know wether to be confused by you, turned on by you, or intimidated by you."
"All of the above."
"What is your gender?"
"I was born male, but I identify as anything."
"So I can use any pronouns for you?" "yeah."
"Oh cool. You single?"
"I am, yes. You?"

I bring my legs up and put one over the other.

"Can I look at the skirt of that dress?"

I move my leg and put them flat, and he sits between them.

He runs his hand up my leg, and lifts the edges of his fingers when he finds the edge of the fabric.

He brings his face close to it, "that is mesmerising..."

He runs his other hand up my other leg, and both go under the fabric, and travel up my legs, to my hips.

Then he smirks, and pushes up the skirt, and his fingers hook around the rim of my boxers and pulls them down.

He rubs his hands against my inner thighs.

I swear to gods, he's teasing me.

A slight moan escapes my lips and he chuckles, pushing the skirt of the dress all the way up to my waist, to get it out the way...

He's not that great to be honest... and I don't mean that he doesn't have a great personality.

And be has a wonderful personality, don't get me wrong!

He's just... not very good at sex.

I'm lying there, on the bed, because he eventually just decided he was done and fucked off.

No after kiss, no nothing, just got up and left, like I was just some toy! The audacity of this bitch.

I pull my boxers up, pull my skirt down, and continue to lay there.

Erick eventually walks in, "I've been looking everywhere for you! Hi!"

I sigh, "you ever get into something, and then it turns out not to be as great as you thought it would be?"
"Like really bad sex that you thought might be good?"
"Exactly like that."
"Who'd you Fuck who's not good at it?"
"Oh, I don't know his name, he has blonde hair, blue eyes, tan skin, big hands, he's basically the ideal male."
"Oh, that would be the director!"
"Okay, well anyway, he's bad at sex. And that's the first time I've had sex since my ex boyfriend decided I was too good for him. And the first time in a few months, had to be bad, didn't it?"
"Oof. I'd help... but... uh... I've never actually done theatre myself... so I'd probably be way worse..."
"I'm sorry, a looker like you had never had sex before?"
"Well, I get close, but then the girl I'm with says, 'oh, you're way to nice, I can't do this with you' and then they're like, maybe you're gay? So..."
"Are you Gay?"
"Um... I'm Bi curious... I guess... but then again, I've never had sex with either, so how can I know which I prefer? Know what I mean?"
"Sort of. How old are you?"
"Twenty seven."
"And you are still a virgin?"
"Does that not bother you?"
"Oh, it does. I just don't show it. And most of my friends still make fun of me for it, and now the rest of the cast does. The director keeps trying to make moves, cause he's creepy and weird, but I manage to get away."
"He's creepy?"
"Yeah. But a lot of us are afraid to quit, because of what he might do, and-"

"I QUIT!!!" Someone screams.

I get up, put my heels back on, straighten my dress and we both leave and see what's going on.

I think one of the cast just quit.


She takes off her heels and becomes suddenly shorter, she throws them to the floor and storms out.

"For fucks sake!" The director exclaims, "what am I supposed to do now!?"

He looks around and then notices me, "you! Do you have any acting skills?"
"Yes. I excelled brilliantly in all of my acting and drama lessons in Highschool and University. And the lessons that my father had me be taught when I was homeschooled. So I think I'm okay."
"Well, you are PERFECT for the role!"
"Of what?"
"Of a really tall person in this film. She's a night blood, and all of my cast is human!"
"I'm a night blood?"
"What kind?"
"Half breed."
"Perfect!! That's perfect!!!"
"Because she's a half breed!"
"Okay, and... what's the main plot?" "She's the bad guy."
"Of course she is. And why is that?"
"Because she's a Half Breed."
"I feel slightly offended by that."
"Because it's making all Half Bred Night Bloods out to be villains. No Half Bred Night Bloods that I have ever met is cruel, unkind, and mean. Including myself. We're nice, and loving and kind."
"Right, okay. So... are you wanting the role or not?"
"Fine. But I won't be happy about the fact that I'm automatically being cast as a villain."....

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