The snow will never end

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Dan wakes me up, "hey."
"Mind if I wash your clothes?"

He hands me a big ass jumper and some shorts and thick fluffy socks.

He then turns away as I change and I hand him my dress and tights and leave my heels by the fire and my phone is still on the table.

I go back to sleep...

I wake up again.

I get up and stretch and then look out the window.

It's still a raging blizzard outside.

Someone clears their throat behind me.

I turn around, "oh, hello Dan."
"How are you?"
"Um... Good! Just... I forgot that's the jumper I gave you..."
"Should I not be wearing it?"
"No no no, it's fine! It's just... it was my wife's jumper and... and she left recently..."
"Oh... I'm sorry."
"It's fine... she wasn't so great, but my daughter loved her to pieces."
"Wasn't so great?"
"I... never mind."

He smiles, "coffee?"
"I would love some coffee, thank you."

We go to his kitchen and I sit at the marble island, on a stool.

He leaves and then brings through a big baggy black top, "maybe change into their before my daughter gets home..."

I take off the jumper and put on the top, before The poor side can turn around.

His face has gone red, and he points to the door and then leaves with the jumper.

Eventually he walks back in and makes me coffee.

A door opens and closes, and then there's shuffling, a thud, and a loud sigh.

A young woman walks into the kitchen, "hey da-"

She sees me, "who are you?"
"Oh," Dan begins, "he's here out of the snow."

She frowns at me slightly before going out again. There's a knock at the door and I hear the young woman answer it, "who the hell are you?"
"My son is here. I brought him his ushanka and trench coat and some clothes that are good for cold weather like this. And more clothes in this bag."
"How do you know he's here?"
"Because i can smell freshly baked cherry pie very strongly."
"Please bring these to him."
"Sure thing."
"Thank you. Good Bye."
"Bye, mister."

The door closes and the girl walks into the kitchen, "yeah, now I understand the cherry pie part."

She hands me the clothes, "here."
"Thank you."
"Woah. That is one accent... I like it!"
"Thank you."
"What's your name?"
"Damien Jean."
"I'm Mina!"
"Hello Mina."
"Imma go text my friend, cause she said she needed to tell me something important."
"Bye guys!"

She leaves the kitchen.

My phone dings.

It's a message from Terri:

"Filming postponed due to snow with seemingly no end. See you when it's over! :)"

There's also several notifications from Instagram of people asking if I'm okay and still alive because someone managed to post a video of me walking home in the snow in barely anything.

I post a story saying I'm fine and staying with a new friend for the time being.

"You good?" Dan asks.
"Yes, my followers are just worried about me. Instagram followers, that is."
"How many followers do you have?"
"Two hundred and ninety... six."
"Two hundred and ninety six thousand?"
"No, million."
"Holy shit, I've only got a few thousand and Mina has around ten thousand."
"Neat! I have around the same amount of followers on Twitter as well. A little less on that than on Instagram."
"Can't you make money from Instagram?"
"Yes. That's one of the many reasons I am very very very rich."
"And what are the others?"
"I have an online shop where I sell trinkets and Jewellery and wind chimes made with authentic gemstones, another online shop where I sell dresses, I'm apparently an actor now, my Instagram follower count, my father, for some unknown reason gives me a million every first of January, and... my first big ass bulk of money I inherited from my mother when she died."

He looks slightly confused, "I have a question."
"You only sell dresses?"
"I actually sell quite a range of clothing."

I sip my coffee and check my phone again.

It really needs charging.

"Do you have a spare charger I could use for a bit?"
"Yeah, in the corner of the room you were sleeping in."

I go back to the room and charge my phone....

The snow seemed to last forever and people barely went out.

And so students did school or university online.

Mina didn't seem to like being at home all the time, so one day, after she was done with her lessons, I sled her about it.

"Mina... you don't seem to like being at home all the time. Are you alright?"
"I'm fine..."
"You've been sick a lot recently."
"You... you've noticed?"
"Yes, is everything alright?"

She looked really sad now.

"Mina? What's wrong?"

Her lips tremble and she chews on the edge of her jumper sleeve.

I hug her, "hey, it's okay. I'm here for you, okay? You can tell me anything."
"You can't tell my dad..."
"I won't ."
"I promise I won't tell him, whatever it is."

She looks at the floor, "my boyfriend... he... he got me..."

The poor thing breaks down in tears.

I hold her face in my hands, "it's going to be okay."

I take her pinky in mine, "I promised I wouldn't tell your father, so I won't tell him. If you want to, that's up to you. And I'll be here for you, however he decides to react. Okay?"

She hugs me tightly...

I'm sat in the kitchen when Dan comes up behind me, and hugs me, "hey."
"Oh, hello Dan."

He puts his face against the back of my neck and kisses it lightly.

I feel my cheeks heat up.

I've liked him for a while... I didn't realise that he might like me back.

"You're so cuddly..." he murmurs.

I chuckle, "thank you."

He kisses me on the neck over and over, and eventually moves around to kiss my cheek and then he kisses me on the lips.

I look at him, slightly shocked, and he smiles softly.

I then pull him closer to me and kiss him, and he melts into the kiss.

"Woah, what..."

Dan chuckles and I bury my face against its chest as Mina says, "Dad! You have a boyfriend! Wooh!"...

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now