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"Hey Damien Jean, it's your neighbour, Ben? Kes gave me your number."
"You're still alive?"
"Are you a Vampire or something?"
"Oh, no, I was just cursed with immortality by this witch who had a grudge against my father for no reason at all and basically said, hey! You have to live forever and all your family will die! So yeah."
"Um... I have some news from kes... just... just make sure you're sat down..."
"Is he okay!?"
"He's fine. Sit down, okay?"

I sit down.
"I-I'm sat down now?"
"Good News or bad news first?"
"Good News."
"He said you can have everything! Except the crystal wings statue."
"Why... why does this sound like he wants a divorce?"
"So... the bad news... he's... he's been seeing someone else for a while. Since before you had the twins. And... yeah... he's chosen him over you... and has signed his half of the papers already. You'll get everything."
"I'm so so sorry."
"It's fine..."
"Uh... I... I hope you still have someone you can talk to, if not, you can always talk to me, okay?"
"Thank you..."
"I have to go now, but I'll check up on you later, okay?"

He hangs up.

So Kes never really intended on getting me out.

My threat level is back up to eighty six and it was down to seventy four. Maurice'll probably be disappointed in me now...

A guard walks in, "hey... uh... these are for you... I'm sorry about the divorce... if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you, okay?"
"Okay. Do... do you have a pen?"
"Of course."

He hands me a pen.

I read through the documents, thankfully written in Russian, that states I will get everything and Kes wants nothing.

He's been seeing someone else for a while. Since before you had the twins.

He was cheating on me...

I put the pen against the paper.

"Can you deliver these to where it asks, please?""Of course

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"Can you deliver these to where it asks, please?"
"Of course."

I put the papers in an envelope.

"I hope he lives a happy fucking life without me..."

The guard gives my shoulder a reassuring squeeze before leaving.

I sigh.

Maurice suggested I meditate whenever I get angry. Or upset.

It seems to help me calm down, and Ethan is always happy to stay quiet if he's in the room whilst I'm meditating. When I'm not in the room, I count quietly to myself until I feel calm.

I sit on my bed and meditate.

When I stop, my threat level is back down, but not to seventy four. It's at seventy eight.

I start to head down to Maurices office.

He greets me when I sit down. There's more plants and more snakes and lizards, and I can hear a few frogs and things. It really sounds like we're in a jungle/ forest.

"Hey Damien Jean!"
"Good Morning, Maurice."
"How's it going?"
"I just signed my part of divorce papers, after Luke filed for the divorce."
"I thought his name was Kes?"
"I call him Kes, because he said he prefers it when I call him Kes. Kes is his last name, Luke is his first name."
"Oh. Why did he want a divorce?"
"I don't know, but it turns out he's been seeing someone else for before we had the twins. They're around... nineteen or twenty now?"
"Shit. Im sorry about That."
"It's fine. I meditated."
"Also since when did you swear?"
"Oh, I swore?"
"Yes, you said shit."
"It's fine."
"Wait, so what did Kes want from the Divorce?"
"Nothing, but to break my healing heart."
"He broke your heart?"
"Oh, but you-"
"He shattered it."

I take a deep breath and let it out again, "it's fine."
"Okay. Your threat level is at seventy five."
"Okay. You know, there's a benefit to all of this. Meaning the divorce."
"Yeah? What's that?"
"I'm single now."
"Yeah... I guess that is a benefit."
"Have you ever been married?"
"Nope! But I was in a long term relationship once and he tried to kill me because I found out that he cheated on me."
"I'm actually in a better mood now."
"What put you in a better mood?"
"The fact I realised I'm single now. So if I'm not in a relationship, I won't have a partner to have a go at me if I sleep with several different men."
"True. Oh hey, your threat level has gone down by five percent in this one conversation! It's at seventy percent! Also, it's taking you longer than the average it takes someone to get there threat level below fifty. Usually it takes only a few months, but we're at, what, three ish years now? And you've only gotten down to seventy!"
"Well, I think that's all for today, you go... flirt with someone or something."
"Be Sure to update me!"
"Will do."

I get up and go back up to the ground floor...

I'm sat in the snack hall, with a Hot Dog. It's not even a whole hotdog. I was giving a bun with some fried onions in it and tomato sauce.

The guy didn't even listen to me when I said I don't like the tomato sauce here.

It tastes of chemicals...

I use the fork to scrape as much of it off onto the plate as I can.

Someone sits down across from me, "don't like the tomato sauce?"

He waves his hand and the excess tomato sauce disappears.

I pick up the bottle of mustard, and squirt some of that onto the bun and onions.

I then eat it. I don't actually need to eat, it's just that if I don't, I have barely anything else to do. So I eat very rarely.

"So. What's your name?"
"Damien Jean."
"I'm Sean."
"Nice to meet you Sean."
"Are you the Half Breed?"
"Cool. Is anyone coming to collect you?"
"Not anymore, no."
"Me neither. All of my family and friends are dead."
"My husband was coming to collect me, and then we got divorced. A few weeks ago."
"Oh, I'm sorry..."
"Oh, it's fine! I got everything, and I'm single now, and I learned that he was seeing someone else for some more than sixteen years, so I did not hesitate to sign the divorce papers!"
"Makes sense."
"It does, doesn't it?"

We're silent for a few minutes.

"So..." he begins, "you're single now, huh."
"It is a shame, isn't it?"
"Yeah... so... are you free Friday night?"
"That was smooth."
"Thank you."
"I have no plans Friday, so yes, I'll spend the night with you."

I smile and then go back to my room...

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now