A literal nightmare

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I wake up and there's an officer resting his head on his arms, like a pillow on the side of the bed next to me. It's the same officer who was stood with me in court.

I poke his head with my finger tip And when I put my hand down, he pats my hand with his, "it's okay buddy... your safe now..."

He then yawns and goes back to sleep...

When I'm discharged, I go back to Louis' place.

I'm sat in my room, meditating, when I decide to go ask people where the nearest pub is and eventually find myself in a pub, and I'm sat at the bar with my first glass of alcohol of the night.

"I can't tell if you're a man Or a woman or what."
"Im any and everything."
"Oh. Okay. Why you drinking tonight?"
"A lot has happened lately."
"Oh yeah, you're that guy on the news. Slapped your boyfriend or some shit."
"Yep, that's me. What are you drinking for?"
"Got divorced last month. Ain't got much anymore but money and a house. And two rowdy young teenagers who miss their mom but i was always the better parent. I only started drinking after the divorce. I actually loved her, you know? It's just... im not physically or sexually attracted to women. Men are more my thing but she was such a good wife. And she wasn't happy with the whole gay thing so she filed for a divorce. Woo hoo..."

I pat his shoulder, "it's okay mate."
"I hope so."
"My friends call me DayJay."
"Nice to meet you Sam. If you need help with those rowdy kids of yours, I'll be happy to help."

I write down my number, "here's my number before I get drunk and forget."

He smiles and takes my number, "thanks."

He holds up his glass, "to the future?"

I hold up my glass, "to the future."

We tap our glasses together and both say, "to the future!"

And we down our glasses...

I wake up on a sofa.

Under a very comfy blanket.

It's still quite dark, and I'm surprised I haven't woken up in someone else's bed!

I sit up and a cat is asleep on my lap.

I hear footsteps.

"Anyone there?" I ask

"You're the Person our dad brought home aren't you?"
"Uh... whose your dad again?"
"You met him at the pub. His names Sam."
"Oh yeah... hi... I'm DayJay."
"Go and we'll tell dad that you went back to yours, yeah?"
"Um... Sure."

I move the cat and stand up and I'm lead out of the house. I make my way back home...

I'm sat on my bed, running my hands along the sheets.

I've done a lot of praying lately. Mostly just to let me die.

Though I'm pretty sure Eda doesn't like me, so she probably isn't listening and just wants me to suffer....

I'm sat in a park, on a swing, back in LA. Time seems to have gone by so quickly, I'm two hundred and fifty next year.

A moth lands on my leg.

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now